I have been watching a lot of nba 2k15 videos and the game looks amazing. I pick up 2k for the PS3 at targetto find out ITS ABOUT 90% DIFFERENT FROM THE PS4 VERSION. I got screwed over so bad can somebody tell me how I can return this open/basically brand new game for my money back or at least to trade it for a new game.
You can't bro. And 2k didn't screw you, you screwed your self by not doing the proper research prior to your purchase. The only thing you can do is trade in nba 2k15 at gamestop for like $20 dollars, sorry bro. You best just keep the game and try to enjoy it.
Take it back to Target and insist there was no disc in the box when you bought it. The customer is always right! Make sure to take the disc out of the box before you show up at the store otherwise they will be on to you.
trade it in to amazon...I did for dragon age inquisition and got what I paid worth in trade in money, might be worth a shot. and yeah, the onus is yours to do the research
This is like the time the airlines SCREWED me by not letting me sit in first class just because I paid for coach.
That is beyond unethical. You are getting something for nothing in doing that, it's pretty much stealing.
Crap! I just got this basketball game and The Rockets don't have any of the current roster? What the hell 2K? You screwed me 2K....
Reminds me of the time I saw the commercial for the iPhone 6 Plus and went then went to the Apple Store and bought a an iPod Shuffle. Boy was I pissed, they were 96% different!
Alright so I got my money back ( and a new game ). If anybody cares to read my journey i embarked to get rid of this game im gonna write it all down: So I read that walmarts customer service was stupid so I head over there and say the game is defective and crashing when I boot it, they let me trade for the exact same game so I'm thinking.. *okay cool I can go back to target with my receipt and get my money back* well as the lady gets the new game the THOT has the nerve to rip open the plastic seal saying it was to prevent people from selling the game elsewhere. So Walmart screwed me aswell I thought I'd just try my luck at target and see what happens. At target, it's the same deal, I give her the one I got from Walmart saying its defective and she gives me a new game. This time she doesn't rip open the seal and I'm thinking *YAAAASSSS*. so I get my sealed game drive 30 minutes to another target and ask to return it and it went through. Picked up Shadow of Mordor and just got home. Today was a success