My leash is a little longer outside of the D&D. I enjoy mouth-breathing college football takes; no other sport inspires such weird arguments.
"To be clear", you implied the game would suck because it is a "rematch." I simply informed you that is an absolute silly take. The teams played a regular season game in early November under totally different circumstances. The difference in that game was a 4th down stop on the one yard line. Being upset that no one cares about UT outside of this forum, is no reason to blast silly takes concerning the hype surrounding the overwhelmingly desired matchup in the National Championship Game.
Again, no one will ever know what kind of draw UT would be. Texas has zero chance in hell of getting to the game for the Natty. Quote me on that
so you just said UT would not draw as well and now it’s we’ll never know. I don’t know if we will beat Ohio state but i do know you’re a moron if you think the team that played in the most watched college football championship game ever VS the most storied program in college football isn’t the bigger draw. What a ****ing joke.
Too funny. Yes, you will NEVER know if Texas would be a big draw in this years Champ game. As I said, Texas will get nowhere near it. Go watch your VHS tapes of the Champ game 19 years ago. Wake up fool.
For those of you not familiar with James Franklin, of all college coaches who are regularly blasted for being a failure by both home and rival fans, he's pretty much the winningest of all time. (Todd Day doesn't count because very few opposing fans think he's terrible). That said, unless he's learned from past failures, expect Penn State to fling the door wide open for Notre Dame to come back. In very big games, he has a tendency to go very conservative with leads in the 2nd half. It's just what he does. If you saw the 2017 Rose Bowl against USC, that was the game he'll never be forgiven until they win a Natty. Penn State definitely appears to be the stronger team. I hope they can close the sale tonight, but this is when Franklin can become his own worst enemy.
LOL, James Franklin haters have yet another club to flog him with. I feel bad for Drew Allar. He's just the latest example of a Penn State QB who can't deliver the goods against top line opponents in high profile games.
What a shame. Now nobody will watch a national championship game that features one of the most iconic college football brands instead of a perennial loser coach of a school that harbored a pedophile on its football staff.
Nope, B1G fan and yes, when not playing Wisconsin, I always support all B1G teams. Yes, I would have preferred PSU vs. OSU, but OSU vs. ND is fine. I just don't think the numbers will be quite as high as far as viewership. But those numbers are skewed a bit anyhow over the last few years with linear TV and streaming both involved. Nice try on thinking you had a "gotcha" moment there. Keep trying kiddo.
Should be a good game tonite. I guess I will have UT fans back to claiming they put me ignore after tonite. Funny how the ones that claimed to have me on ignore suddenly start quoting my comments again when they think they have something on me. Like Penn State losing really totally bothers a Packers, Badgers, Brewers and Bucks fan since birth.