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2024 Astros Minor League Thread

Discussion in 'Houston Astros' started by tellitlikeitis, Nov 6, 2023.

  1. Snake Diggit

    Snake Diggit Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    Yeah the prospect ranking aspect of the prospect promotion incentive is bullshit. It should just be of a rookie is up all season and finishes in the top 3 of ROY voting, his team gets a pick.
    panamamyers, Tuckmose, Nook and 3 others like this.
  2. Rockets34Legend

    Jun 12, 2002
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  3. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Well that pisses me off … their 1st baseman and supposed 4th best 1st base prospect in baseball is someone the Indians returned in Rule V and someone the Astros were interested in getting before the Marlins swooped in and got him… that probably would have solved the 1st base issue. Shitty Marlins.
    raining threes and vince like this.
  4. scott_summers

    scott_summers Member

    Mar 3, 2008
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    Speaking of Yanier. Look at Franciso Alvarez wasnt he the top prospect in all of baseball at one point. We'll look at their stats and see who turned out more successful. I know the kid is younger than Yanier and still has time to get better. You can't tell me he was the #1 prospect as a catcher. And Yainer didn't deserved to be anywhere in the top 100?
  5. vince

    vince Member

    Jan 18, 2000
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    I remember Luhnow once said they had their own internal prospect listing independent of what we see on the MLB app, a list they keep very close to their vest.

    so regardless of what MLB says is their prospect ranking, the Astros know which horses to hitch their wagon. Proven by dealing Korey Lee because they were all in on Yainer Diaz.

    But the MLB ranking is set by the establishment guard (National clique), and they are a prideful bunch. They make sure to always push their narrative.

    I always look at the Byron Buxton vs Carlos Correa pick. Even after Correa proved himself to be the superior choice, the establishment kept angling for Buxton.

    Who knows if neither player were riddled with injuries how it would have turned out. But few can argue that the impact Correa had was exactly what the Astros needed at the time.

    Carlos wasn’t resigned by Houston because his contract demands from Houston were in excess to what the market was willing to give him. He needed to go find out and he did. Plus his injury history was too much for Houston to stomach with that level of financial commitment. But that was all independent of Correa being the right choice. The bonus was the Astros got gravy along with Correa: Correa + McCullers > Byron Buxton. Most would say Correa > Buxton one to one…
    scott_summers and raining threes like this.
  6. panamamyers

    panamamyers Member
    Supporting Member

    Jun 17, 2000
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    Better not happen with Dezenzo. He better be ranked in the top 100 across the board because he will finish top 5 in ROY voting next year. I'm glad they stuck him back down in AAA to preserve that rookie status.
  7. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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  8. Rockets34Legend

    Jun 12, 2002
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