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UT -A&M prediction contest, comments, etc. (official thread)

Discussion in 'Football: NFL, College, High School' started by Baqui99, Nov 21, 2001.

  1. Baqui99

    Baqui99 Member

    Jul 11, 2000
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    Okay, ya'll. We're two days away from the annual contest known as T+1. This is for the state bragging rights. The loser will be subject to taunts from friends, coworkers, and even spouses. The winner will bask in the glory that football represents in the great State of Texas.

    Here's my prediction. Texas 45-, Ags 10

    First QuarterThe Horns start the game off by handing the ball off to Cedric several times. We have a few good drives that end with a couple of field goal attempts by Mangum, who makes one of two. The Aggies go three and out repeatedly, and Farris is berated on the sidelines by OC Dino Babers. Score, Horns 3, Farmers 0.

    Second QuarterSimms finds Roy with single coverage on a deep pattern. Touchdown Horns. Injury bug seriously hurts Ags, who cannot muster up any offense with Keith Joseph running the ball. They miss Farmer and Taylor, and Farris is under pressure from Derrick Johnson throughout the game.
  2. The Cat

    The Cat Member

    Jan 24, 2000
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    Texas 31
    Farmers 10

    I think it'll actually be closer than many think for a while. I'm as much a Horn fan as anyone, but A&M always scares me at home, especially after 1999. Yes, I know we're better than '99, and they had the bonfire emotion, but still, we should've handed it to them then as well. I think this might be something like a 10-3 Texas lead at the half, with the Aggie defense feeding off the emotion of the crowd. However, by the 3rd quarter, the emotion starts to wear off, and raw talent kicks in. A lot like the Aggies game against OU a couple of weeks ago. TAMU's one TD comes off a big play on special teams or defense.

    BTW, Baqui, did you end up getting tickets? I just got a pair this week, finally... section 157.
  3. DrewP

    DrewP Member

    Mar 26, 2001
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    31-3 Texas. The only way the aggies get a fielgoal is if its late in the fourth quarter and Texas commits a turnover on their own 5 yard line. Three touchdowns for Simms, one for Benson and a FG for Dusty on the second drive of the game. Guys, the over/under is only 10 1/2 I beleive..... JUMP ALL OVER THAT BET IF YOU GET THE CHANCE.

    This game should be dominated the entire way through. GO HORNS!
  4. RocketsPimp

    RocketsPimp Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Even though I really don't care one way or the other, A&M 24-14.
  5. The Cat

    The Cat Member

    Jan 24, 2000
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    I'll assume you haven't watched much college football this year, right? :p
  6. DrewP

    DrewP Member

    Mar 26, 2001
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    Either that or hes stuck in 1995.
  7. Major

    Major Member

    Jun 28, 1999
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    A&M's offense is already bad, but to make things worse, their top receiver & running back are out with injury.

    Texas' primary goal this game should be to hold A&M to 0 total yards. I wonder if that's ever been done before?
  8. kidrock8

    kidrock8 Member

    Oct 17, 2000
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    I don't care for either teams, so I'd consider myself to be somewhat objective...


    A&M will have to have their defense and special teams either setting them up for cheap TD's, or scoring themselves.

    There is no way A&M's offense can score a TD on its own.
  9. DVauthrin

    DVauthrin Member

    Nov 4, 1999
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    im a longhorn ill admit but being objective this game wont be close

    the ags dont have the talent to hang with long if at all, plus all their stupid trash talk in the media is very dumb considering theyre behind the 8 ball as is(the before the yr and brooks/davis this week) Simms will kill them and benson will kick butt, even on the aggies defense

    I Dont care about the kyle field thing, it wont matter this year, they dont have the talent and they gave the better team way too much bulletin board material

    UT 40 A&M 0
  10. DAROckets

    DAROckets Member

    May 8, 1999
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    A&M-13 UT- 0
  11. JBIIRockets

    JBIIRockets Member

    Jan 25, 2001
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    Texas 27
    Texas A&M 19
  12. Kim

    Kim Member

    Feb 17, 1999
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    Damn! All y'all longhorns predicted this same crap in 99 and this year for OU. Unfortunately, this time y'all are probably right. Don't get me wrong, I hope A&M wins, but y'all are right on the most part. The starters are injured and a bunch of freshmen are playing. The good thing is those are a bunch of my buddies out there. They'll be better next year though, and hopefully when they get a new coaching staff, they'll be great.

    A&M has no offense, I know, I know. The coach is dumb, I know, I know. But y'all Longhorns are just so big headed. Hopefully, your team will smoke so much weed the night before that they won't be ready to play. If I was an ass, I'd just call your police the next time they toke up, which would be front page scadelous arrests...but I'm not an ass.

    Int return for touchdown and a field goal is hopefully all the Ags need, unless Farris decides to throw the game.

    Aggies 10 - Longtokers 7
  13. Puedlfor

    Puedlfor Member

    May 30, 2000
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    Texas - 42
    Texas A&M - 6

    This game will actually be close for a while. Texas A&M does have a halfway decent defense, but Texas will have a massive edge in time of possession, and the floodgates will come crashing open on a tired Aggie defense and the game will turn into a rout, and the chant of Pooooooooor Agggiiiiiiieeeesss, and the jingling of keys as the "best fans in football" leave early will ring through the through the countryside.

    Go Horns.
  14. gr8-1

    gr8-1 Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    The University 48
    Gomer U 10

    I don't know how a$m will score a td, maybe just blind luck or UT underestimatesa them.

    The only interesting subplot in this game is whether MAack will call off the dogs like he did last year. I don't think UT threw a forward pass in the 4th. But, RC has been badmouthing Mack, so who knows. I think Mack has too much class.

    Kim, do you think the HOrn playerss got the pot from Jamaar toombs?

    BTW, I htink the over under of the game is 40. Take the over. UT averages 40 a game by themselves.
  15. Kim

    Kim Member

    Feb 17, 1999
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    Maybe, maybe no...

    but Toombs is a good guy; he's back finishing school. He's also not as big as people think...just tough.

    I really got nothing against token up. It's not a bad thing; it's a good thing. Just none of y'all be so suprised if that stuff ever goes public. Them players get away with everything because they play football. If you're just a regular kid token up in the dorms, your out of there. I know several to whom that has happened. But if you're a football player, your administration just acts like it's not happening.

    Ain't no shame in losing to UT. And even though I ain't a football fan, it is a good thing to know that the fans at my school are much better than the fans at yours. There's no arguing the fact that the Aggies are the best FANS around.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.
  16. gr8-1

    gr8-1 Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Except for that cadet that pulled the sabre on the SMU cheerleader.
  17. Band Geek Mobster

    Dec 1, 2000
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    Sounds like a fanatic to me...
  18. DVauthrin

    DVauthrin Member

    Nov 4, 1999
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    is it the aggie theme to be especially dumb this yr??

    Lets see 1st of all your players are talking smack to the clearly better team, real smart :rolleyes:

    then the aggie fans are the best in the land, my a**

    Have you ever bothered to go to a game at DKR, we longhorn fans are some of the most loyal dedicated fans in the nation(the major thing stemms from his success and they dont ever want mistakes from simms-the job stealer,in there minds-they want to win) and teams like michigan,nebraska etc are fabulous too

    This game WILL NOT BE CLOSE, i dont care if its in kyle field, that adv left when your stupid players decided to run their big fat mouths throughout the yr about beating us, we are the better team by far and fri it will show

    You may get 7 if youre lucky but yes your d is decent but well still put 40 or so on you, i stand by a 40-0 prediction, you motivated the better defense on the field, sorry wrecking crew, to go for the gusto and your offense sucks.

    Enjoy the drubbing friday, and get some asprin ready, aggie fans, after watching this game youll have plenty of nightmares
  19. Kim

    Kim Member

    Feb 17, 1999
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    "Dad, these fans suck. They're just like in New York."
    -Chris Simms

    "The crowd support is pathetic. Most of these students should lose their right to buy tickets."
    -Rick Barnes (different sport, praphrased, but funny none-the-less, and this was printed in the Chronicle...I sent a letter bashing your coach and supporting your fans, but it wasn't printed)

    Are they're a bunch of dumbass hicks at A&M? Yes.
    But you're just flat out bull****ing if you think UT fans give more support. Comon man! I'm not some gung-ho Aggie talkin smack. I could care less. I'm a 2%. I'm worst than a 2%. And I have a bunch of friends on the team.

    This is coming from an objective view. A&M fans never boo their own team. UT does. A&M fans STAND the ENTIRE game (except for when the opposing team's band plays). A&M fans gather at Kyle Field the night before to practice yells. A&M had bonfire.

    Are some of these things over the top? Yes. Is it fanatical? Yes. I think my school has some of the craziest white freaks on this earth.

    But from an objective viewpoint, there is no way UT fans are more dedicated than A&M fans. I'm not talkin smack. I'm just stating a fact.

    Happy Thanksgiving
  20. RocketsPimp

    RocketsPimp Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    That's right, but I do know UT is a powerhouse this year. I really don't know anything about A&M, but thought most of the games between UT and A&M are pretty heated battles. I just wanted to get you Longhorns all fired up. Even though I don't keep up with college football, I have a hunch this game will be alot closer than you guys think.

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