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Will Anderson, Jr. is a beast
Refs getting this back under control
This is tough to watch. Rox getting ragdolled.
I wonder if Frank Luntz conducted the focus groups/polling that suggested calling COVID-19 the "China virus" would be money for redirecting...
He seems most satisfied the press is taking the bait on the "China virus" bullshit.
Damn. Wow. My heart goes out to his family.
All about audience and intent. Hurd and Jordan play differently to different audiences.
I, for one, like this line of statements suggesting that we need to hear directly from people who spoke to Trump and Trump himself. Let's get rid...
[MEDIA] Need more testimony from the people closest to Trump. They need to stop this travesty of justice and testify under oath to clear Dear Leader.
My guess is that the plurality of these billionaires like most of what the GOP offers. Pay lip service to "debt reducing, isolationist,...
Jordan with the elementary school-level attempt to create a Matlock moment. Just talk loud and fast until the gavel is struck. Makes for good...
5-minute member rounds play into the GOP plan to muddy the issue. Not enough time to establish a line of questioning with the witness but enough...
Interesting how the glasses don't make Pierce's takes any less stupid.
Our right-wing has gone so far to the "right" that virtually anything based on facts, logic, and lacking in xenophobia, religious zealotry, and...
I think we all know by now that the GOP doesn't operate in good faith. This is typical GOP. Accuse the other side of that of which you are...
In fairness, Lucas changed the scene himself before the Disney acquisition....