...be nice if more people around here understood a concept called "context" when they levy some of their more ridiculous arguments. --mdrowe00
....the 9/11 hijackers went to pilot schools to learn how to fly planes...didn't take any instructions on landing and paid for their classes in cash....they had "help" too...can't underestimate human determination once a course has been set in the (deranged) mind. --mdrowe00
Generally, manslaughter is a legal, technical way to acknowledge that a death is causal (behavorial/attitudinal), not necessarily malicious (predetermined/intentional), thereby establishing the means to hold accountable and reprimand the party responsible. And , supposedly, to ensure that the value of a life is more important than procedural minutae. --mdrowe00
Hey durvasa, I think these 3 may meet your criteria. 1. Jesus' birth/place, lineage, life, death http://theresurgence.com/2012/12/24/10-prophecies-about-jesus-birth 2. Plight of the Jews and birth of Israel. (Can be argued as self-fulfilling, but was enslavement, suffering, and persecution be self-induced?). 3.Babylon. Once the biblical equivalent of NY or Las Vegas, "will never again be inhabited again". And never was. (Ask Saddam Hussein) http://www.one-gospel.org/thebible/i_thebible_07.htm These are condensed articles n leave a bunch of passages out. There are literally 100's of these prophecies. No other religious writings come even close. I hope some of this makes you give it a "second look". I'd like to hear ur response, (you sound like a very intelligent and open minded guy who will give a it a fair trial). And I've just begun this journey, myself. U can email me to avoid walls of text on our visitor page if u want @ jocarlo333@gmail.
lol I'm jealous Durv. Getting clutch to defend you with that quote of not trading you for 1 billion Allegros.
All good. Some other posters said Vince Carter and Iverson so that's good enough for me. I was arguing with someone that said Yao was the only one that didn't deserve to be in the All Star game that got in. Keep up the good stats mr stat man!
Hey Durv I need your help. Can you list me some players that got voted in the all star game but didn't deserve it? I remembered there was a year Shaq was injured pretty much the entire season. Thanks!