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Last Activity:
Dec 26, 2015 at 12:54 PM
Oct 21, 2010
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Member, from Houston

josephnicks was last seen:
Dec 26, 2015
    1. Jay713
      Born and raised in Houston with that attitude? I doubt it, or your mother doesn't know **** about upbringing. Or maybe she refused to breast feed you. Either way, I'm ashamed that you claim to be a Texan.
    2. VanityHalfBlack
      Why are you so butthurt right now over some youtube comments? Yes we get your point scrubs can shine in the Pro AM league now please just enjoy the game and worry if Dwight is signing with Houston.. Don't make this so emotional bro, it's not.
    3. W22_STREAK
      man thanks again for that post you wrote about being "friend-zoned". I really didn't know a lot of what you said and after reading that I've learnt so much and almost have come to have an epiphany. It was really convincing and superbly helpful~!!!!!

      Cheers!! :D
    4. RocsFan
      You posted that you had a streaming video site where I may be able to watch the Rockets. I'm with UVERSE in Houston and I can't figure out any way to get the games. Your help appreciated. Thanks, RocsFan.
    5. DorianTurk
      which website did you find those jerseys bro?
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    houston born, houston raised...
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