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Last Activity:
May 14, 2013 at 2:30 PM
Nov 23, 2012
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Member, from Irvine

Jedster was last seen:
May 14, 2013
    1. SuperStar
      Site bud it's off season which means less to no activity for me see u next season
    2. Jedster
      Haha, part of being a big Lin fan is that you're more concerned about his health and well being than an average fan. So yeah, him having bad games is just life giving him some lumps. Nothing to get too worked up over or lose fandom over since life is tough for all of us.
    3. Jedster
      Actually, you seem more upset about Lin's ups and downs than me! Yesterday when I was watching him play...I was thinking that he shouldn't be playing but I knew he felt he had to prove that he could play through pain because of the criticism he got last year with the 85% nonsense. But in the end, in the last few minutes, the Rockets actually got the lead, and then just choked. Harden threw it away twice, Delfino kept doing some solo jacker thing, and then people missed free throws they shouldn't have. Then Durant got that super flukey shot in. I wasn't thinking about players sitting on the bench!
    4. SuperStar
      Mannnnnnnnn I'm just extremely disappointed by Lin moreso after last nights game. Just look at his playoff stats it's disgusting.
    5. Jedster
      Haha, buddy...I'm used to your style by now. I just laugh and roll my eyes.
      Don't worry, I don't dislike anybody because of their basketball related opinions.
    6. SuperStar
      lol my criticism of Lin too hard?
    7. SuperStar
      lol Must be hard being a passionate Lin fan. Too many ups and downs.
    8. SuperStar
      Well I guess the only way to compare would be how close Asik is to the top centers and how close Lin is to the top pgs in the league.
    9. SuperStar
      The guy may have stone hands here and there but dude is a beast defensively. Most rebounds in the league and 3rd reb avg.

      @dmorey 5 Apr

      .@AsikOmer for Defensive Player of the Year! Omer is the #1 defensive rebounder in the NBA and #1 in paint protection (no rim, FTA, oReb)
    10. SuperStar
      You don't think Asik is better than Lin Jedster?
    11. Jedster
      Oh no they didn't! (imagine finger wagging and head going side to side). What did you say?
      On the other hand, congrats on your two greens! :-D
    12. SuperStar
      Nooooooooooooooooooooooes. I been called a bad poster by someone with 1 green!!!!!! I just got my second green a day or so ago. I'm no longer a 1 greener.
    13. SuperStar
      Where have you beennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn lol
    14. SuperStar
      Stealing little kids autographs SMH!
    15. SuperStar
      lol I can't imagine what Lin was thinking as he signs a Knicks jersey as a Rocket! He must be like mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I'm not playing for that team anymore!
    16. SuperStar
      HAHAHA! I would still post it on the Linsanity thread and give details on how you got the autograph. It will be fine in that thread!
    17. SuperStar
      Cool, take a picture of it and post it up!
    18. JustAGuy
      Just doing my part to advance basic science understanding on Clutchfans.
    19. SuperStar
      You'll go crazy if you let small things like that bother you man. I used to be like that but not anymore.
    20. SuperStar
      I know I may sound like I hate Lin at times but I actually joined this site because of Yao and came back not too long ago because of Lin. I was hard on Yao as well.
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    "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to...suffering" - Yoda.
    No H8

    2012-13: $5 million, 32 mpg, 16 points, 8 assists, 1 steal and about 2 TOs on average. That's my Linexpectation!
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