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Dr of Dunk
Last Activity:
Dec 20, 2024 at 11:45 PM
Aug 27, 1999
Likes Received:
Jun 29, 1970 (Age: 54)
Home Page:
Dallas, Texas, USA
Professional Napper

Dr of Dunk

Clutch Crew, 54, from Dallas, Texas, USA

Dr of Dunk was last seen:
Dec 20, 2024 at 11:45 PM
    1. Rochut
      I understand there is a thread covering the acquisition of Griffin, but my thread was meant as a place to discuss his ongoing role on this roster, a discussion of possible summer league play and impacts in the locker room during training camp and the regular season similar to threads we have for most other players (not his acquisition). However it shakes out, thanks for helping operate this great forum. Cheers.
    2. Thrilla
      Not sure how to PM, so I will leave my message here: Why has nothing been done with Tinman and his consistent childish posts?
    3. ElDobleK
      Nevermind - Clutch helped me. Thank you!
    4. Scarface281
      Can I get a name change to Houstangeles? Who do I talk to? Lol
    5. i3artow i3aller
      i3artow i3aller

      Winter is coming...

      Prepare yourself for a December to remember!

      Thanks for everything, Doc! Happy holidays to you and yours!
    6. i3artow i3aller
    7. i3artow i3aller
      i3artow i3aller
    8. i3artow i3aller
    9. BamBam
      Hi, sorry to bother you but could you please delete a post I made in the Hangout? It's under "Officer recovers 2lbs of mar1juana" I regret posting it.
      Thanks in advance!! -Bambam
    10. Curly
      Holy Cow DoD. This thread got too big too fast, so I went from the 1st page to page 29to post my response to Doc's message. Check out my post #568...pretty scary. Must be true! I never saw your original post, but just saw your last one and thought you had copied my post...but it was yours! HA! Go '99ers! http://bbs.clutchfans.net/showpost.php?p=6950307&postcount=568
    11. javal_lon
      you old b*stard
    12. guoxiangsu
      i am Chinese rocket fan,really want to be your friend,we love rocket team,right
    13. javal_lon
      guess I touched a nerve!!!!....oh well....you'll get over it
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  • About

    Jun 29, 1970 (Age: 54)
    Home Page:
    Dallas, Texas, USA
    Professional Napper


    It is what it is... -- what the hell did you expect it to be?

    I used to laugh at people having anatidaephobia, but now that I have been diagnosed with it, I'm no longer laughing, because I know it's real. Have sympathy and get tested. Avoid quacks.
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    Since 1996, ClutchFans has been loud and proud covering the Houston Rockets, helping set an industry standard for team fan sites. The forums have been a home for Houston sports fans as well as basketball fanatics around the globe.

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