I agree. Judging from other sites like twitter, it seems like the majority of the ones that comment about him on the Rockets accounts are female, although I have seen males also go a little overboard.
I think a lot of these Lin fans are females. There's just no way in hell guys can be that crazy about a player.
Ugh I just hate how they put Lin on a pedestal. Trash everything else that they think gets in his way of becoming a superstar. I'm a Lin fan but his fanatics are the worst.
Just seems like the McHale hate jumped up by x1000 percent as soon as he called Lin a home run hitter and then the 4th qtr benching. Now it seems like every thread they have to throw in a dig or two at him and non-stop 24/7 hate lol. I don't like his subbing pattern much but this type of hate is overboard for an overachieving team.