Two words: neck bomb. Not sure the direction the movie will go in though [youtube]L5vbFgrV93A[/youtube]
I think Leto is going to make believers out of doubters soon enough. I appreciate the reasoning for such a drastic shift in looks, as they want to distance themselves from the other cinematic portrayals of the most iconic villain in comic book history. With that said, I think Margot Robbie is going to steal the show as Harley. She is going to be even more of a megastar after this role.
I hope you're right. But the brother has "Damaged" tattooed to his forehead in cursive letters. Never has something on a forehead been more on the nose. He doesn't look scary. He looks like he just went on a spending spree at Hot Topic.
Yeah, but it doesn't come across as insane either. It's comes across as a sane person trying to make you think they are crazy. Like I said, I really like Leto, but this is a terrible look. I don't care how good a job he does, which may overcome it, it will still be an awful look that his performance compensated for, not one that added to his performance. FWIW I personally think the Jokers from the animated series, and the Arkham games is the best Joker. That's the one they should be trying to translate to the screen.
Movie looks amazing, but I'm also in the camp that thinks the Joker "look" is wrong. It will probably still work, but I'll likely see this villain as a character named the Joker but not really the same Joker that is Batman's rival.
I guess it's because I don't care about comic books at all, but I don't mind the way Leto looks. The "Damaged" on the forehead is pretty lame, but other than that I think he looks interesting.
"Damaged" is written in cursive, which is interesting. It's almost like a mask of sorts - fancyness to hide the insanity. If some of you guys can't get over the fact that "damaged" is written on his forehead, why even both anticipating the movie? That basically belongs to Mark Hamill, though. If there's a live-action Joker from the TV series that pops up in the movies, I think there will be more people complaining about how the movie Joker is a copy of Hamill's joker - even more so than complaining about "damaged."
Totally agree about that, Hamill and I'll throw in Conroy as well, they are kind of hardwired into my conception of Joker and Bats in general.
the joker gets more makeovers than any show on E! they've even given him dreads, so i'm not going to get worked up over that. however, how can anyone determine he's a decent joker from 5 seconds? saw the youtube and a lot of comments were of high praise.
We've only seen 3 minutes of the film and already hate it, they got it wrong, Leto ugh, Will Smith really?- Internet Just chill and wait for the damn movie
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