Seriously what happened to the Raptors? They must hate Drake because they did a 100 to a 0 real quick
Just seeing how far Cuban has gone to put that roster together, and the Rockets are still ahead of them in the standings just shows that the Rockets have a special team in place at the moment.
Actually they are in 7th but there is a chance both OKC and NO catch them. They have a really tough schedule coming up. I'm conflicted because I hate them so much I would like for them to miss the playoffs but there is the issue of the Pelicans' pick.
Nobody should be surprised. Adding Rondo and Amare was a mistake. Just as adding Bosh or Anthony would have been a mistake for us also.
Morey dodged another bullet with Dirk staying in Dallas. I really don't want to give Morey a free pass for trying to sign busts like Melo, Bosh and Dirk. Hindsight is a mother.
This definitely has something to do with it, but they've also had injuries to key contributors (Parsons, Harris, and Rondo) that have prevented them from developing chemistry and continuity. If or when that happens, I still don't think they're getting out of the 1st round, but they wouldn't struggle to beat a team like the Lakers as they just recently did either. The Rockets should try their best to play the Mavs in the first round.
If I got the type of pay day that Parsons received I guarantee you I would be giddy as h*ll at all times. Coupled with his inherent diva personality, I totally agree with you.