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Morey on 790 in the 8:00am hour

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Nice Rollin, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. Matt Maloney

    Matt Maloney Member

    Feb 17, 2009
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    he's talking about all his trade bait and how he'll get a player before the deadline...
    and i believe him.
  2. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Member
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    I wonder who we are going to target for a trade.
  3. FTW Rockets FTW

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Quick re-cap:

    Lovely DM interview, he was to the point and candid. Mainly emphasizing several times that it was a question of whetehr a core of Howard Harden and Parsons with no flexibility was better than Howard-Harden-Ariza plus tons of flexibility as far as WINNING it all goes.

    790: How does it feel this morning after you guys came so close to having Bosh Parsons and possibly best team in the NBA?

    DM: It was a tough weekend. We are still in a good position with two top 10 players in the team. We were very close to having the best team in the NBA.

    790: JVG was on Cp's show saying that if you got CB4 and mathced CP25, you would have the best team in the NBA. Did CB4's camp tell you guys that he would come to Houston if LBJ went to Cleveland.

    DM: It was very close. CB's camp CAA was very professional. We had the offer out there, he seemed extremely likely to take that. While that looked likely, we had to deal Lin to make that happen. lakers had a time line and had to make that move happen. Chris was definitely coming if Miami does not put all 5 years and a huge offer at the last last minute. We are just focussed on winning the title. Disappointed in losing in the 1st round. We are trying to make an NBA champion, not 2nd round and exit, 3rd round and exit. We are focussed on putting together 3 elite players and if you look at nBA history that is what it takes to get a champion for the most part. We have now got a pick, a guaranteed lottery pick basically something like what we got James Harden. We are still a top 4 team in the West.

    790: Are you more likely to add that 3rd superstar through a trade and not a superstar?

    DM: We have huge flexibilty this year, we are just going to keep swinging. Every move we makes is to see if we can have a better chance to make a championsion. It comes down to whether Howard-Harden-Cp25 gives you a chance to win a title versus our chance without him plus Ariza and all the other things we cna do to upgrade the team this year.

    790: I know you expected market to be aggressive for CP25, did you expect a max deal for him?

    DM: I am very happy for CP25. He worked very hard here in Houston. I am very happy for him, great person, great player. The contract CP25 got, Mavs are a smart organization, they obviously wanted to get him. That structure they had was literally one of the most untraded structures I have seen. Comes down to whether Harden Howard Parsons core is good enough. Make no mistake I think Parsons is a trmendous player but we lose all felxibility. That core would have to be the core we have. If we ever wanted to go after a different core, it would never be possible. IT was that vs Howard, Harden, Ariza plus all other moves we can do. We would have to bet on that team or all the multiple other scenarios

    790: How has Ariza improved?

    DM: We realy believed in Ariza when we signed him. We felt like we had to move intoa different mode when the Yao Tracy mode broke up. We really believe in him. He is long, one of the good wing defenders, he has improved his 3 point shooting and a perfect fit next to James Harden. We need to pair Harden next to a perimeter defender so we have a chance to be a top 10 defense. Last time we were not a top 10 D because our perimeter D wasn't good. We now have 3 of 5 plus defenders in the starting line up.

    790: When exactly did you start talking to Ariza's camp?

    DM: We had to play out every scenario. We really felt like the Bosh Parsons thing was going to happen and we would have been the favorites to win the title. We went to 4/1 if you look at the Vegas odds on the title if that happened. We were sort of swining for the fences. We did it with Harden and Howard and sometimes you miss. The key for us to always be in the game. We basically talked to every FA because of the different scenarios.

    790: In your honest opinion are oyu better or worse than last season squad?

    DM: I feel like we will be a better squad when we get to the playoffs. We have young players who are improving - Daniels will be abck, Bev, Jones, Johnson, DMO. We have full mid level, BAE, lottery pick similar to Harden pick and a lot of flexibilty. We will be a better team come palyoff tiem than last year.

    790: What expectations do you ahve for Nick Johnson?

    DM: He looks very good at this poitn. We look for guys to be big contributors in their 2nd year. Looking for Canaan to be a big factor this year. Nick is looking like a pearl right from the go like CP25. Reality is if you want to win the title you need to be the team that finds the CP25 not the team that gives the Parsons' type a max contract. If you look at the Spurs, they got their big 3 guys and then find guys who are young and surround them well. They don't go chasing every big time agent. We can;t turn the great decision of drafting Cp25 into a bad decision by matching that contract of Cp25.
    #83 FTW Rockets FTW, Jul 14, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2014
    3 people like this.
  4. BackNthDay

    BackNthDay Member

    May 29, 2006
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    I wish someone would ask Moery's thoughts on chemistry and building a quality team. With the best basketball player in the world, Miami was able to win 2 championships in 4 tries. We have no one close to Lebron so why does he think 3 elite players are going to do better. At a lost!
  5. SmoothOperator

    May 22, 2002
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    I think we would have probably matched if there hadn't been the no trade and trade kicker clauses.

    With those, you can't use Parsons in a deal for the upcoming free agents like Love - even for a one year rental.

    I don't think it's fair to blame agents without putting a lot of responsibility on the player. If Parsons just wanted to get paid and play for the Rockets, then why tolerate those poison pills?

    Players can make their agents take stuff like that out or fire the agent.
  6. BeardSanity

    BeardSanity Member

    Dec 27, 2012
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    "A great team finds the chandler parsons, not pays the chandler parsons max contracts"

    Lolll shots fired
  7. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title

    Dec 22, 2005
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    Murray wants to curb stomp Cuban
  8. hooroo

    hooroo Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    he also talked up the mle to improve this team and that's an 180 on what he's said in the past
  9. Egghead

    Egghead Member

    Apr 22, 2008
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    he was taking shots at Cuban
  10. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Member
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    Yep. Big middle finger to Cuban. LOL.
  11. RocketScientist

    Apr 2, 1999
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    As po'd as i was, i feel better after hearing that Morey interview.
  12. ross84

    ross84 Member

    Nov 1, 2008
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    They didn't even ask Morey about how losing Asik and Lin will affect our team. These guys suck.
  13. Classic

    Classic Member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    You aint winning the 'chip with Terrance Jones as your PF

    that's what he's saying
  14. ChumpCity

    ChumpCity Member

    Jul 31, 2009
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    " Teams that win championships are the ones that find the Chandler Parsons', not the ones that overpay the Chandler Parsons' " --DM
  15. Pete Chilcutt

    Pete Chilcutt Member

    Jan 28, 2009
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    From this interview, it seems like morey has a Rondo type deal he wants to get done..just my huntch
  16. passdarock

    passdarock Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    Did I hit a sore spot? :(
  17. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    Jones and D-Mo need to step up big time, in order to have any chance of getting Love if he still available by then.
  18. BeardSanity

    BeardSanity Member

    Dec 27, 2012
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    GreAt interview, Im happy with the decisions morey made
  19. FTW Rockets FTW

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Basically a big F u to Cuban

    Never seen Morey so animated and to the point.

    Further proud of our GM.

    Now I wish someone would ask him about why he has a championship roster but yet one of the worst coaches in the NBA.
  20. Rocketman7

    Rocketman7 Member

    Oct 3, 2013
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    Morey is just talking out of his a$$.
    Same $hit......different toilet

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