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Before Game 5, Jeremy Lin hadn't done a great job of being an offensive spark this series

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, May 1, 2014.


Before Game 5, Jeremy Lin hadn't done a great job of being an offensive spark this series

  1. True

    282 vote(s)
  2. False

    231 vote(s)
  1. persian hoopa

    persian hoopa Member

    May 19, 2002
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    Real Rockets fans like Clutch, tinman, Baqui99, Zboy and others with longevity like myself unequivocally vote True.
    #181 persian hoopa, May 1, 2014
    Last edited: May 1, 2014
    1 person likes this.
  2. ADB

    ADB Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    wow, serious? Is this for real? lol... rep well-earned, I guess.
  3. dantian

    dantian Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    You got the wrong angle to look at it. All LOHs should vote FALSE because they should not expect much but Lin performed better than any expectation, certainly better than his all previous PO games. All LOF should vote YES because they expected 16/8 from him which is not there. All true Rockets fans should vote FALSE, because he was the reason, i.e. difference maker, we won the two games and still in the series. What else do you expect from a bench player the coach had taken every possible chance to destroy his confidence.:grin:
  4. Sports2012

    Sports2012 Member

    Dec 11, 2012
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    I am with you freemaniam.
  5. VeloCity

    VeloCity Member

    Oct 23, 2012
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    The Rockets are down 2-3 and Harden has been struggling every game. With the exception of Howard, no one on the team has done a "Great Job" pickng up the slack on offense. So the answer to the poll question is no.

    Lin did his job in games 1&3. He failed in games 2&4. Not great in any of those games.
    1 person likes this.
  6. rev1274

    rev1274 Member

    Dec 4, 2012
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    If Harden played like a star ( OR A 5 YEAR 80MILL DEAL) SG, we would had sweep Portland already.
  7. 11Rox4Life3

    11Rox4Life3 Member

    Dec 23, 2009
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    i don't get this thread clutch. i don't expect a response, but i'll post anyway.

    the natural reaction of this thread is people bashing harden for his awful play in this series. so people like clutch see that. and then automatically think it must be lin fans, when anyone with eyes can tell harden has by far been the most disappointing player in this series. so the natural reaction would be to create a bait thread about a 6th man and ask if BEFORE game 5 (like the game doesn't matter), if jeremy hasn't been a good spark.

    im with anyone that says jeremy hasn't had a very good series. but he was def a spark in g1, we were down in that game, and he changed the pace...and was our only source of offense in OT. he was also very good in OT. he had 13/6 off the bench....with only 1 TOV. wtf more do you expect? then he was our best player after dwight, and maybe asik in g3 hitting big shots to help lead us in g5. he choked in g4 and wasn't good in g2. imo he's had 3 solid to good games, and two terrible games.

    it's sad. i don't have any ties to lin, yet i find myself having to support him because everyone and their mom seems to overanalyze the **** out of him. by morons like clutch, tinman, larsv, tycoonchip, etc doing anything in their power to somehow blame lin.

    by blaming lin to this extent is OVERRATING lin (which is supposedly what LOF's do). if you seriously think lin has this much an impact on our series and fail to see who is truly underperforming at a historic level...then it's very sad to see people being so ignorant.
    2 people like this.
  8. VeloCity

    VeloCity Member

    Oct 23, 2012
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    I agree 100%.
    And I wonder what Clutch is getting at with this poll. It looks like a Tinman poll and I am curious why Clutch didn't give Tinman the pleasure of creating it.
  9. Zboy

    Zboy Member

    Aug 19, 2002
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  10. 11Rox4Life3

    11Rox4Life3 Member

    Dec 23, 2009
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    you do realize there was like 50 seconds when lin missed that layup right?

    you do realize that no one was back defensively despite not even having crossed halfcourt and allowing batum to get an open 3? you do realize the possibility that we could have missed still (prob got a worse look), and then the blazers still hit a 3 to send it to OT.

    maybe it's just me, but i'll take the fact that lin did make big plays in OT to help us to a win over some hypothetical that we could have won earlier. but what else do you expect on this board.
  11. ivanyy2000

    ivanyy2000 Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Seeing Tinman ass-kissing every time Clutch makes a thread is the reason I still come back to this site.

    It is a real treat.
    2 people like this.
  12. dantian

    dantian Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Thumbs up!
  13. 11Rox4Life3

    11Rox4Life3 Member

    Dec 23, 2009
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    it should be.

    but it clearly isn't. lin is blamed more on this board than harden. by that virtue, we were expecting them to have similar series.
  14. 11Rox4Life3

    11Rox4Life3 Member

    Dec 23, 2009
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    ass kissing is putting it lightly. clutch could start a thread about how tinman is the biggest moron on this board....and then tinman would applaud the thread still have clutch's schlong in his mouth.
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  15. rev1274

    rev1274 Member

    Dec 4, 2012
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    So can we make death threats of Harden since he's earning max money, yet not producing in Playoffs?
  16. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Hmm, didn't occur to me from this angle. Make sense.
  17. rayrocket

    rayrocket Member

    Oct 22, 2006
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    kind of true, limited by his continuous minutes and ball touches.
    JLin is a player needs the ball in hands..........
  18. Duncan McDonuts

    Nov 4, 2008
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    Game 1: 14 points, 4 assists
    Game 2: 5 points, 5 assists
    Game 3: 13 points, 6 assists
    Game 4: 4 points, 4 assists
    Game 5: 21 points, 4 assists

    Even if you don't count game 5, it's a push at worst to me. Even if his shot is off, he's still doing well passing it to other players and changes the tempo of the game.

    While he does make boneheaded plays, there is more ball movement when Lin handles it. He's also the only Rocket to consistently create anything off the dribble. I voted that he has been an offensive spark.

    For all our troubles this series, Lin has always been the scapegoat. But for anyone who actually watches the game, Lin doesn't play 48 minutes, he doesn't touch the ball every offensive possession, and he doesn't guard every position on defense. Think about that.
  19. 11Rox4Life3

    11Rox4Life3 Member

    Dec 23, 2009
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    does it really make sense? actual rockets fans can't think this is a stupid thread? only ppl who are LOF's? either that means all rockets fans are stupid, or real rockets fans can't disagree with the legendary Clutch.
  20. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    When you have the ball leading by 2 and there's about 30 seconds left, your odds of winning in that situation are very very high. I'd say 80% or higher. So in that particular situation, yes, Lin did cost the game right there, in that had he not made that mistake, it was almost certain we had one. Lin made earlier mistakes too - but those did not cost us the game because of there was plenty of time left. Harden's overall play is the reason we are down 3-2. Clutch has said that already. To me it sounds like you are cherry-picking a bit here.

    Honestly, I think he is frustrated. Look, we've been here through the Yao Ming era. And when Yao was young he got ripped on like Lin did. And there was a flood of Chinese posters who came in and were excited about Yao being in the NBA and flooded the board. It created a lot of havoc and bad feelings, but in the end Yao turned out to be a really great player and a really great guy and it was kombai ya and pretty much a love fest. But this wave has been a lot tougher. Because what happens is at the first sign of criticism everyone screams "racist". In reality, there is some frustration it's because look at the way people are criticising clutch as biased by over-analyzing every word he uses and attacks him constantly. He made this board to cheer the rockets on, not to have all these wars. I can only imagine how frustrating it is to deal with both groups. He has a family and a job you know. This is a hobby, you know that right?

    I don't know, "offensive spark" seems pretty clear to me. Not everything has to be turned into a science in order to have a discussion, ya know?


    I have no idea what you did to my post.

    Why try to read into his head? He's the founder of the board. Why not just give him the benefit of the doubt. He let's a lot of Lin threads to cover his BBS and continues to approve accounts of Lin fans. He's not banning you guys. He just wants to have a diverse discussion about any team member without causing a riot. I don't think that's too much to ask. This is what is meant by being over-sensitive. You are trying to invent some sort of slight that just isn't there.

    I have no idea. I think anyone who gets bent out of shape because of the criticism their favorite player gets is being pretty irrational. Doesn't matter if it's Lin or Magic or T-Mac. Whatever.

    you have to look beyond the stats. A player can impact the game in many ways. Sometimes its by calming the offense down, sometimes it's by being aggressive and forcing the defense to react. It might not generate an assist but it results in other players having more effective shots. It might be in bugging a guy enough so he passes it instead of shots. Basketball... you have to watch the game. It's energy, its many things. Harden has been awful for long stretches, there is no doubt about it. But we can discuss the two players independent of one another. They aren't glued together at the nipples or whatever.

    One of those guys needs to play well, probably really well, for us to walk out of there with a win.

    What's the point in worrying about. If you think someone is being incendiary, why not ignore. I understand it's hard to sometimes, but if everyone ignores it 95% of the time, you'll be fine and so will the board.

    Game 5 he completely changed the game. And it was due to confidence and hunger and just laying it all out there. He needs to do that more often. I don't really care about the stats. It's the play that matters.

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