Hoist up a package of tampons for whenever Lilliard is shooting. We all know he's going to be b****ing about Bev.
Bring a compact mirror. Then wait until the very end of the game, and if the game comes down to a free throw, then reflect light in the shooters eyes just as he goes into his shooting motion. Could do the same thing with a laser pointer, or with some loud noise maker that would sound like gun shots. You'll get tossed, but they can't let him shoot the free throw again and you could be the reason why we win the game. Sacrifice yourself for the good of the team !!!
If the opponent players have pet allergy symptoms, then everyone could try to make animal sounds.(Cat, dog, monkey, rat, etc).
This. I believe Cuban once tried to have the entire section tiled sideways to distract the FT shooter. Didn't really work. But I imagine it would have to be something similar where there's coordination. NBA players are too used to just random noise and visuals.
I've always thought that would work if coordinated correctly. I think i'd get more nervous during dead silence than some noise.
everyone behind the goal needs those long skinny balloons. Hold them straight up and slightly wiggle them. when player goes into his shooting motion everyone lean in unison with balloons to one side or the other. It will work better if if you lean to your right with right handed shooters and to the left with left handed shooters.