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[ClutchFans] Morey: Asik trade fell apart at high level

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. torocan

    torocan Member

    Oct 15, 2012
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    The player option is harder to move than the poison pill, simply because a GM can't plan for the future while the player option is looming.

    While the poison pill is a drag on trade value, it's a very well defined drag that can be priced and factored into a trade. Whether that trade is acceptable to Morey is more the question than whether the contract is movable.

    Asik and Lin's contracts will always be movable as long as they play at a reasonable level. The only question is how much Morey demands in return and how much he's willing to accommodate his trading partner.

    So while in theory the simpler construction of a player option would make the value of the contract higher, that you can't actually determine when the contract is expiring, when you will need to renegotiate an extension or how long you can retain the player before they reach free agency makes it extremely hard to trade until the player option is actually exercised.
    1 person likes this.
  2. Voice of Aus

    Voice of Aus Member

    Jun 28, 2013
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    Welcome aboard bang,

    I understand at the time why morey didn't want to pick up the dragic contract, we in the position of being mediocre and with the now the new cba which makes the best value contracts been rookie scale and max contracts. Morey wanted to avoid getting rid of the sexiest thing in the nba "cap flexibility" of thing up long term money in non superstar players or players who can put you over the top at the time.

    What dragic is doing is no surprise, but with morey's track record with pg's over the last 5 years he should continue to back himself in to find someone
  3. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    As a long time Rockets fan I'm sure you know the Rockets didn't make the playoffs in 1984 which is how Akeem came to be drafted.
  4. hooroo

    hooroo Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    Is Asik genuinely injured? Possibly more serious than let on? NBA teams just don't like telling it straight when it comes to injuries.
  5. Rocketeer Bang

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Yup, you are right. Thanks for the correction. It's been so long that my memory is a bit blurred. The Rockets were in the WCF in 1986, which was the same year that we lost out our starting PG Lucas at the beginning of the season due to drug problem. We still made the finals that year, beating LA with Sampson's miraculous last second flip in. Prior to that possession, Robert Reid had just buried a 3-pointer on his second attempt to tie the game.

    Even though we lost to the Celtics in 6 games that year, we were regarded as the up and coming team out west and possibly dethroning that great Laker team. But as luck would have it, the following year Lloyd and Wiggins got busted (banned from the league for 2 yrs?) and we did not get back to the top again until Hakeem was close to past his prime.

    We had some epic playoff series with the Sonics in the late 80's. I used to hate the Sonics with a passion, more so than the Jazz because they always seem to have our number.

    Sorry to get nolstalgic. Must be getting old, lol...
  6. glacier921

    glacier921 Rookie

    Nov 17, 2012
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    Hahah, good one. :grin:
  7. Benchwarmer

    Benchwarmer Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    The problem is that Asik sabotaged his own trade by angrily demanding to be traded, this robbed Morey of any leverage to get fair value for Omer. He doesn't seem to understand that as an NBA player, he has agents to handle these things.
  8. Rocketeer Bang

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Makes a lot of sense. Thank you for the clarification. Obviously hindsight is 20/20. Dragic is killing it in Phoenix and there is little question on what he brings to the court consistently night in and night out. Lin to me is always a suspect. Sometimes he shows up and plays with confidence, but more often than not, he defers too much and plays hesistantly.

    I also feel we are lacking on the wing. Someone like a Corey Brewer or Nick Young would do us some real good, but we were capped out so no chance there.
  9. Rocketeer Bang

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Thanks for your greeting. I understand the logic, but I would argue that after trading Lowry, the decision not to resign Dragic, even with the player option, was a huge risk considering we had no other PG on the roster. Obviously I am no GM, but 4 yrs/$30 mil was very reasonable to retain Gogi, and I don't recall there were other FA PG left in the market to sign. Believe it or not, Lin at the time was our best and only other viable option, and I tend to believe this is more of a business decision rather than a basketball decision.
  10. Rox23

    Rox23 Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Why trade Lin? What, trade him for another point guard? Our pg could play has been extremely weak of late w/ Lin out. He have absolutely no ball movement or energy on offense. It's just Harden, Dwight and Parsons taking turns taking it one on one. The Pacers meanwhile, would get open looks after 2 or 3 or 4 passes.
  11. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    It was one of the most special times in Rockets history so it's hard for me to forget. Welcome to the madness. ;)
  12. Chef_Monteur

    Chef_Monteur Member

    Nov 3, 2012
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    How many more nationally televised clown stomping's is it going to take until Morey pulls the trigger on a deal? After watching that Indiana game, as a fan I feel sick to my stomach. We may not be as good as Indiana is, but I didn't think we could look as hopelessly miserable as we were, either. I hate to say it, but this kind of performance reminds me of the product the Texans are putting on the field this year. No heart, no killer instinct, no toughness, no pride, nothing....These guys just took it up the ass with no vasaline like it was no big deal, even give out hugs at the end of the game.

    Personally, I hope Morey pulls the trigger and brings in a guy who has a pair of testicles and can teach these younger guys how to ball with the big boys. Beatings like the one we suffered to Indiana tonight are unacceptable.
  13. Rocketeer Bang

    Dec 20, 2013
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    NBA was absolutely fantastic from the mid 80s on til the mid 90s. will always remember images of McHale yelling BS on the sideline after fouling out in one of the finals games.
  14. d12babymamas

    d12babymamas Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    My only concern is come February. Will Asik be movable then if DM's value of Asik is still high? DM might be stuck with taking a crappy deal unless he packages other players who are in demand with Asik. (And by other players I doubt it'll be Lin due to the similar back-loaded contract he's on...not many teams who can take on or are willing to take on both contracts)

    It might have to be a player/s whose name/s haven't surfaced in the recent trade rumors. I wonder who that may end up being? TJ? AB? PB? OC? FG?
  15. Billionzz

    Billionzz Member

    Oct 8, 2002
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    Why in the world would the Rockets want to trade Lin. It's very apparent that this team really needs him bad.
  16. Billionzz

    Billionzz Member

    Oct 8, 2002
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    You're right, I hope after all of this Mchale gets his mind straight and understands that Lin needs to be the starting point guard. Beverley has had his chance and he just isn't getting it done.

    Howard is consistent, and on most nights we need two of Harden, Lin, and Parsons playing well to win.
  17. THE DR34M

    THE DR34M Rookie

    Nov 15, 2013
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    this x1000
  18. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    I think the idea of trading Asik by the 19th was ludicrous. There's no way the GM's of teams like the Celtics and Sixers and Bobcats are willing to be rushed into their best offer on the 19th. Those guys are running a business too, and if they did what any semi-decent GM would do then they put their non-best offer in to see if the Rockets would bite given the pressure of their self-imposed deadline.

    Remember that other GM's don't care that the Rockets want enough time to flip the players before the deadline - there's no reason for them to play along to what essentially amounts to another advantage for the Rockets.

    We're still trading Asik, and the offer will get better once teams realize who they really are this season (as CH mentioned earlier). Sixers will watch the rehab of their #1 pick and see what else they can get for Young/Hawes from the 27 other teams who were not necessarily prepared to make a deal in December. Celtics will see whether they're trading Rondo or not and that will have an influence on how they value Asik.

    Be patient. Morey tried to come up with something new, and it didn't work out. The conventional avenues for making these moves are still open. If the team hadn't mentioned the self-imposed deadline, we wouldn't assume that Asik is not getting traded.

    IMO Asik is gone. It would've been nice to have done the deal on the 19th, but he's still going to be traded. They are just going to act like they're not interested in dealing him any more, and that he is happy (which Asik's new agent will play along with) because all 3 of them know that a happy player has more trade value than a whiner.
  19. Chemistry

    Chemistry Member

    Nov 14, 2013
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    Terrace Jones is a decent asset but like with Asik you aren't going to get huge value for him. He is a great young prospect but still unproven.

    AB can't be traded yet, and also I doubt he has much trade value.

    PB still has trade value? With his skyrocketing PER of 9 and his HOF defence on the likes of Isiah Thomas?

    Casspi - trade value????

    Garcia - See above.

    The way they're playing right now, only Terrance Jones has any value as a trade piece. The rest are filler. You were unhappy at the prospect of Bass and Lee? All of these guys would be valued even lower in the league right now.
  20. N/A

    N/A Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    the "even Be Well got dumped off" portion of your comment made me chuckle. Seriously how often can you sign off with a "Be Well"...what a clown. It's too bad he wasn't shipped off to OKC rather than Lamb.

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