I think it’s more than just crying wolf. The hate reaches the reptilian subconscious of the GOP brain. Witness some of the posters here in D&D; completely unhinged. Conservatives will not accept a Democrat for President and will do anything to delegitimize them. They simply will not accept that they have lost national elections and refuse to accept the will of the American people.
Not sure if this is true, but like negative ads it might work. Sadly this is a tactic only for Republicans.Dems don't believe in just gumming up government for purely partisan purposes. Of course whenever the Repubs can make government ineffective it helps generate discontent with government and thereby tax rates for the .1 percent.
anyone who keeps bringing up Trayvon and thinks this is the thing that we are all still concerned about is a perfect example of the 'crying wolf' mentioned in the beginning of this thread. good examples everyone.
It's been a downward spiral since Clinton came to office and Republicans went crazy to oppose him at every turn. He managed to beat his enemies as he was a brilliant politician. Dems got their revenge on Bush. Destroying his presidency and in fairness, he was a terrible president his first 6 years. Then Republicans got their revenge x3 on Obama - trying to do to him what Dems did to Bush, and that's the ugly mess we are in now. It might be good if Hillary wins because you gotta figure at some point Republicans are going to be - alight, we have to get things done and work with the other side. This is getting too crazy.
Actually Bush destroyed his presidency himself. As has been pointed out several times before many Democrats supported the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, some supported while most at least didn't block the PATRIOT Act, had no say on things like GITMO or the FEMA response to Katrina. What Democrats didn't do is shut down the government over raising the debt ceiling or the budget.
The constitution is a living entity it doesn't exist as some sacred text that holds all the answers. Do you believe blacks, women, and non land owning white men deserve the right to vote? We have had extensive social programs since ww2. How about we get rid of medicare social security and all these stupid regulations. Who needs 40 hour work weeks or minimum wage. What we need are more Robber barons.
I have a problem with this mentality. I don't hail Reagan as the great American savior as many do, but he did a good job at unifying America. Bush I has a relatively quiet ride. Clinton was not brilliant. He did his job as a President and performed well. His presidency was filled with good and bad. Bush II faced the quagmire of 9/11. He made two terrible mistakes. The first being was invading Iraq. The second was disappearing during his second term. Its hard to judge the effectiveness of his presidency. Would the world been a better place or a worse place if we didn't invade Iraq? We can't answer that question. We all would have been better off if Hillary was elected in 2008. Its really hard to say who would have been worse, Obama or McCain. Obama built his campaign and presidency on broken promises and division. We are 5 years with Obama in office and he has delivered very few of his promises. I do not want to see another Clinton or Bush in the white house. We need a complete change and new faces. I am skeptical simply because of the candidates that have been pushed out over the last two decades.
So liberals are hypocrites, but that's not their fault. It's the fault of conservatives because conservatives complain about things that liberals find insignificant. OK. But could it be that liberals (and conservatives) actually just care more about beating the other guy than sticking to their ideals/ principles/ beliefs?
Big ole dog and pony show Neither side gives a d*mn about properly governing this nation they relatively the same . . . minor differences Their main concern is appeasing lobbyist/donors and lining their pockets. Rocket River
Good job for not worshiping St.Reagan the Perfect. His greatest strength was that the Dems were stuck in the left ditch and were out of touch with America. Pretty much agree on GHWB and Bill. It isn't hard to answer that question IMO. The internal and external damage it did to the United States and it's global credibility is incalculable. He "disappeared" during his 2nd term because he had no business being in office. The American public found him repulsive and wanted him out. But he won reelection by running the nastiest, dirtiest campaign in my lifetime and was lucky enough to face a worthless, wobbly Dem who had no business being nominated. Bush was a smoldering corpse in 2004 who should have been cremated. Instead, he continued burning 4 more years and the smell was awful. If you can't answer the better/worse about the Iraq war, how can you answer Hillary vs. Obama? With the GOP in survival mode, fearing total irrelevance and out for blood after what happened to GWB, their 100% complete and total dedication to the destruction of Obama is whose fault? Obama or theirs? I, for one, will never forgive their complete descent into lunacy, fanaticism and destructive politics beginning with Obama's election. Sure enough Obama has his problems, but some of his failures to deliver are beyond his control. It's like the Republicans contracted rabies and went crazy. Amen! Amen! Amen! Do you have anyone (or more) particularly in mind? Who?
The right have cried trickle down/supply side/tax cuts for the rich too many times with several failed implementations. Won't stop idiots from continuing to believe it though.
deliciously hypocritical considering Obama's pitiful jobs record, and all the people dropping out of the labor force...
How much energy was wasted pursuing white house sex scandal while we needed to focus on things like Al Qaeda? How much did both parties do to deregulate the financial system to allow it to do things that would lead to catastrophic failure? How much did Bush do to further exacerbate the problem with more deregulation of the system to allow even higher risky positions AND run a ridiculous deficit by cutting taxes when we couldn't afford to do so? You look at our current predicaments and you can trace a lot back to the governance of both parties. ANd now both parties are stumbling blocks to fix it. You know why? Because the environment is so toxic from past battles and the ridiculous amounts of money - from special interest who do not care about anything but WOW their special interest - that they make it impossible for compromise. So yeah, it's been a process that I first noticed happening during CLinton. But it's getting worse and worse. I don't think anyone could have succeeded in this current environment. It's a cesspool.
I guess you're one of the idiots who still believes in supply side economics despite the overwhelming evidence of its failure as a theory. Color me unsurprised.