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Clairvoyant Clutchfans [Predictions for the 2013-2014 Season]

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by crossover, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. jtr

    jtr Member

    Dec 4, 2011
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    Did you make that up just now?
  2. kuku

    kuku Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    Likes Received:
    AH! You had me HA! HA! HA!.....MUHAHA!
  3. CDrex

    CDrex Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    Clairvoyant CDrex predicts:
    • The Rockets win 52-56 games
    • Harden and Howard are both All-Star starters and make All-NBA teams
    • Motiejunas and Jones start less than 15 games combined
    • The Rockets' six core players all stay healthy enough to play 65 games.
    • Houston falls in the second round in a 6-7 game series
  4. RocketRaccoon

    RocketRaccoon Contributing Member

    Aug 13, 2001
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    Rocketraccoon sees in his crystal ball...

    ...a bench getting a lot of playing time
    ...a healthy and rested team come playoffs
    ...home court adv.
    ...an epic and winning battle against the Heat

    And lastly...an epic drunk
  5. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    1. 73-9 (one better than MJ's Bulls)
    2. Larry Obrien Trophy comes back to Houston.
  6. jocar

    jocar Member

    Nov 10, 2007
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    - Harden/Howard named "best NBA pick and roll duo" by all-star break. They make 1st/2nd All-NBA Team

    - Beverley top 5 PG for NBA All-defensive Team

    - Casspi and Bev top 30 in MIP voting

    - Lin top 15 for 6th Man

    - Asik traded for future 1st rounder (to be used in '15 trade)

    - Beard qualifies for 3pt Contest, loses in the 2nd round to Curry by 1 shot, he released too quick, shot drifted off an inch and clanked off the back of rim, almost got the roll, but was content to have made to the contest anyway, and still was a beautiful day out, Jay-Z and Beyonce in the stands, looking very tired, not of each other, but from waking up so early cuz the baby was crying, it had trouble sleeping cuz a dried booger was clogging left nostril all night. X-Men 5 hits theaters worldwide, Jennifer Laurence delivers amazing performance, Anna Paquin, not so much.
  7. mcgrady33090

    mcgrady33090 Member

    Feb 10, 2008
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    clairvoyant mcgrady33090 thinks

    1. Rockets will be the most hated team in the West
    2. Rockets will be 3rd seed playing against Warrior and win game 7 at home
    3. Asik will stay
    4. Lin will be top 5 in 6th man vote
    5. Harden top 5 MVP
  8. rocketblood713

    Apr 14, 2011
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    clairvoyant rocketblood713 sees ..

    1. Rockets will be the 4th seed in the West
    2. Howard will average 25 pts and 12 rebounds
    3. Asik does end up getting traded but not this year next year
    4. Chandler Parsons makes another jump to average 17 pts a game
    5. Jeremy Lin does well in the 6th man role that by midseason he will once again be the starter
  9. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    57 wins, 3rd seed, Western Conference Finals
  10. gravityonme

    gravityonme Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    - I see Terrence Jones eventually winning the coaches trust and taking up the PF mins that Howard and Casspi don't play.

    - I see this team lose Game 7 in the West Con Semi finals

    - I see both Lin and Beverley excelling and who plays more depends game to game as per matchups and who has the hotter hand.

    - Lin die hards will hate this but Rockets fans will enjoy the game to game intrigue.

    - I see Howard being the more adjusting star (!!!) and Harden struggling to get out of his garbage ISO-dribble habits (Which he slowly does grow out of.)

    - Chandler Parsons will file for a restraining order against his first stalker.

    - We will have problems winning close games but we will have fewer close games.

    - Asik does not get traded at the deadline. But Morey will do something. Get another overlooked player in a bad situation. (Fingers crossed to bring back PPat.)
  11. vizier

    vizier Member

    Aug 21, 2002
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    1. Rockets will win the NBA championship
    2. harden mvp
    3. howard dpoy
    4. lin 6th man of the year
    5. bev mip
    6. morey best gm
    7. mchale coach of the year
  12. fangtiago

    fangtiago Member

    Nov 12, 2012
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    1. No big injury will occur to any starter this season.
    2. Rockets will be the #2 rebounding team. #5 in assist.
    3. Rockets will be the #3 seed to end this season, with a record of 57-25.
    4. Howard's free throw percentage will be around 63%.
    5. Rockets will head to the Western Conference Final.
    6. Lin will be the 6th man of the year.
    7. Howard, Harden, Parsons and Lin will all be voted to the All-star game, with Howard and Harden being on the first team.
  13. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    1. Harden averages over 8 assists per game.

    2. Harden's scoring average dips to 23 ppg.

    3. Harden's turnovers fall to around 3 per game.

    4. At least one of Motie, Tjones, GSmith is traded before the season starts and at least two of them are traded by the deadline.

    5. Canaan totally dominates the NBDL.

    6. Garcia and Casspi combined will average 45% from 3.

    7. Asik will average 5 and 8 and we will read post after post about how useless he is out there since we have Dwight.

    8. Asik will sweat more than the other 4 starters combined.

    9. We will all get tired of Dwight's turnovers on his post ups.

    10. Morey finds some dude in some foreign country that we've never heard of, signs him to a minimum salary contract with 2 seasons non-guaranteed, and dude becomes a rotation player.

    11. Dwight complains about his touches in the post. McHale quickly agrees with him and then the next game we play against Phoenix or Philly or some other stinky team Mchale has Harden feed Dwight the ball. Dwight scores 40, shoots 40 free throws and we win by 4 points. Everybody talks about how dominating Dwight was. And then we go back to pick and rolls for about a month until Dwight complains again.

    12. Harden impregnates a stripper and it's tabloid headlines for a couple weeks.

    13. Dwight misses two games with a hamstring pull. Asik throws up a couple 12/20's and the message board is flooded with preposterous Dwight trades.

    14. I make at least one of the preposterous Dwight trades myself.

    15. Chandler Parsons goes into a shooting funk for a few games as he is prone to do and many of us wonder why Garcia isn't starting.

    16. Parsons shooting slump continues and dips his 3-point percentage down to the low 30's and even more of us start to rally behind the ' Start Garcia' banter.

    17. Garcia then throws up an 0 for 9, we lose the game by 2, and the ' Start Garcia' banter fizzles.

    18. Morey goes on nutri-system and drops 30 lbs.

    19. At least one interpretive post from Doc Rocket with some other r****d poster calling Doc a r****d.

    20. Plenty of funny, original GIFs from Rudman23.
  14. Patterned919

    Patterned919 Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    Clairvoyant Patterned:

    1. Harden makes improvements in every area and leads the league in ppg
    2. Howard has great chemistry with the team
    3. We're a top 4 Western Conference seed.
    4. We eliminate OKC in the playoffs
    5. Because of 1 and 4, people debate if Harden is better than Durant.
    6. Harden shaves his beard in the year 2015
  15. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Clairvoyant Dobro predicts-

    -Omer Asik will be traded to the Atlanta Hawks for Paul Millsap shortly after the New Year
    -D-Mo gradually becomes one of the better backup centers in the league
    -Camby makes the team, and becomes a valuable backup in the last months of the season and playoffs
    -The LOF embrace Lin coming off the bench in a 6th man role, and Lin quickly becomes a 6th man of the year candidate
    -McHale finishes in the top 5 for coach of the year
    -Morey wins executive of the year
    -Rockets make it to the WCF
  16. xlr817

    xlr817 Member

    Jul 25, 2002
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    NBA CHAMPS!!!!! There, I predict it! ;)
  17. Joe Joe

    Joe Joe Go Stros!

    May 3, 1999
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    Clairvoyant Joe Clairvoyant Joe predicts...

    Beverley and Lin are both top 15 PGs.
    Howard and Asik are both top 10 centers.
    Harden remains top SG.
    Parsons is a top 10 SF
    Asik isn't traded by trading deadline.
    Morey cashes in a lot of his future assets for a Starting PF without giving up Asik. Future assets consist of Llull, Papanikolaou, 2014, 2016, and 2018 1st rd picks, 2014 and 2015 Knicks 2nds, 2015 Minnesota 2nd, Rockets 2nds not including 2014.
    Rockets finishes 1st or 2nd in West.
    #37 Joe Joe, Oct 26, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2013
  18. Phillycheese

    Phillycheese Member

    Jan 10, 2013
    Likes Received:
    - 55 wins
    - 16-4 to start the season
    - a key player will get hurt during the last week of January
    - April will be a tough month and lots of hand wringing as Houston will enter the playoffs struggling.
    - surprise everyone by winning a tough 1st round series vs GSW after falling behind 0-2
    - lose in conf finals to OKC in 6 with Westbrook dominating
  19. Yao4REAL

    Yao4REAL Member

    Jul 18, 2007
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    I, the best clairvoyant out the bunches predicts:

    1. I am the best clairvoyant
    2. Lin will come off the bench and play a major role to the success of the team (x-factor)
    3. Beverley will make the team better by shutting down other great PGs in the league.
    3. Asik and Howard will dominate the interior paint
    4. Rockets will be #1 DEFENSE in the league
    6. Rockets would not trade Asik or Lin
    7. Lebron James will cry about the refs A LOT
    8. If everything failed, i will be known as the worst clairvoyant to mankind.
  20. iconoclastic

    iconoclastic Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    This thread is not complete without DeAleck predictions.

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