He just needs talent to work with. D-Mo has the tools but he needs to slow down. I actually think Dwight would be better off working with McHale for the bulk of the post moves, and getting 1-2 basic moves from Dream, but morso his light touch, mentality to dominate & play angry. McHale definitely made KG a better player in the post. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/F_dtm2rlV_E?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Kevin Love knew McHale would take his post game to the next level. Fingers crossed, maybe he wants to come play for his old coach again. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/sports/basketball/nba/2008-06-29-nba-love-twolves_N.htm?csp=34 <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/q4lEqq7CtKc?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
You need remember that McHale had (has) the long arms that enabled him to play like a 7'0" to 7'2" player, and that he was usually guarded by guys 6'7" to 6'9", so he could just shoot over them, or pump fake, forcing them to jump, in which case he could use his moves. If his arms were shorter or if he were shorter, those post moves would not have been nearly as effective. Bottom line is that in his day he just usually flat out had a size advantage over his defender, with just a few exceptions such as Caldwell Jones or Ralph Sampson. Today, DMo has the most potential here, with perhaps Greg Smith second. DMo has the height but short arms that might not even make his effective standing reach as good as McHale's. Smith has long arms and can jump but is much shorter. So it is not just a matter of teaching the moves, but you have to have the size and/or athleticism to pull them off.
It's not about moves... it's about fundamental skill. The moves you saw were in the flow of those players' games. Not just imitation. Anyone can imitate a move. To truly use it naturally. That's different. It's about playing within comfort level.
from what i saw d.mo played much better than last season. on the flip side t.jones was a bit out of shape.
D-Mo doesn't have a size advantage? He may be among the top two in height at the PF position. Probably in the top five at the center position. And I just saw on the NBA channel that Jason Collins contract has been picked up by an NBA team. Thank god.
DMo does have excellent size but short arms, so he is not quite play as tall as he is listed (both in terms of getting his shot off, blocking shots, grabbing boards, etc.). Fortunately, he has good touch and quick feet, so he is able to compensate. That's why I still list him as having the best chance to have a post presence closest to McHale on the present roster.
If we just played up-tempo, I can see D-Mo and Jones dominating every other game. But it's just when our offense slows down to a half court crawl, that's when they look really average or below average. Their best asset right now is speed and moving without the basketball.
They are having a hard time applying what they learnt. But I believe if you dont have it, then you might not learn it.
Sigh. If he had exceptionally long arms it would add what ... four inches to his standing reach? I do not see a problem here.
Watching Smith, Wilkins, Charles, Fox, and T-Mac it is obvious that these guys are much more intelligent than I had ever imagined.
This may be the best discussion I have ever seen about the NBA. An all-star cast leaving their souls out for everyone to see.
I do not know what to say. This post game show on NBATV is perhaps the best dialog I have heard from NBA players. I am watching it instead of the US budget issue. And I have a lot of money on that decision. http://nbcpolitics.nbcnews.com/_new...enate-pass-bill-to-end-shutdown-standoff?lite Thank god. The House passed a bill 285-144. Maybe we will not see this again in the future.
Because it has to do with A. natural talent and instinct and B. takes years to perfect if you don't have it.
We only want a stretch 4 that stands at the 3 point line. Teaching them post moves might encourage them to take mid-range shots. Seriously though, McHale was probably a few dozen times more talented than what we have. Plus, he was doing that stuff early on at Minnesota and stuff already. Took years to hone.
I agree that it is not a problem, but if you do have 4 inches of reach, that is HUGE in the post in basketball. If you have played, you know that having an extra inch or two on a guy sometimes means whether the guy needs to jump and/or cheat to disrupt your shot or not, thus allowing a guy like McHale the ability to pump fake, go up and under or do a variety of spins and drop steps. Again, DMo has great potential even with the shorter arms, but I am just saying that he does not possess the overwhelming advantage that a Duncan does or McHale did in his day.
Because McHale is walking through that door but not onto the court? Because McHale has FrankenMunsterinian blood coursing through his circuitry?