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Despite winning tonight, Rockets are still unwatchable

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by bigballerj, Mar 29, 2003.

  1. AllenLeavell

    AllenLeavell Member

    Aug 5, 2001
    Likes Received:
    You guys have it good ! I live in Dallas were there is no Rockets
    basketball at all. That Southwest Sports Report is joke about
    Houston sports they clearly have bias toward the rockets and all
    other teams in H-town
  2. dn1282

    dn1282 Member

    Aug 8, 2000
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    I think it's safe to say my high school's championship game tonight was a lot more enjoyable than the Rockets game versus Denver. I think the crowd at the compaq center were ready to go to bed half way through the game.
  3. bigballerj

    bigballerj Member

    Nov 22, 2002
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    Let me simplify what I meant in my 1st post of this thread:

    Rockets are my team and I want them to succeed.

    But, I like watching high-quality basketball and Rockets have rarely supplied it.

    That's why 1000's of fans @ Compaq Center are disinterested. They came to see basketball played at the highest level and they are not seeing it.

    Even tho they did ISO alot during the Dream, Barkley, Drexler era, there was ALOT more ball movement and less bone-headed decisions made. I bet alot of ppl were complaining back then but it was overshadowed by the fact that it worked as an effective offense because of no-zone defenses.

    Running a bunch ISOs vs a Zone Defense is a stupid idea and will NEVER work consistently enough to win a championship.
  4. ewfd

    ewfd Member

    Dec 20, 2002
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    If I were an impartial NBA fan I would rather see Houston in the playoffs because we have a better chance of making the first round at least interesting, even if getting swept..
  5. Glyyde

    Glyyde Member

    Apr 15, 2000
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    I like to watch other teams play teamball more than ISO..... but only Rocket's game can get me all excited..... so even though it's ISO, I still prefer to watch the ROckets more than other teams....
  6. mos-def

    mos-def Member

    Feb 2, 2003
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    wow, i am really suprised about how many "fans" there are that don't really follow the team.

    if they followed the team, they would know about a guy named yao ming that joined the team AFTER the season started, so no training camp...

    they would also know how rudy T has said repeatedly that a motion offense was supposed to be in place during said training camp, but yao's missing it stalled the full implamentation.

    they would also know that rudy T said that they only got 3 or 5 plays from motion offense down, so the rest of the time, a variation of the infamouse "iso" offense

    they would also know that there are at least 33 other plays they wanted to install, that were dependant on motion and are too complicated to install in the middle of the season

    but they would only know these things if they were actual fans. i know all this, and i live in nyc. its not hard to find this stuff out, it just requires alittle looking. i don't think the rockets are as dumb as all the genius' here think they are.
    but that is just my opinion.
  7. Juugie

    Juugie Member

    Apr 20, 2002
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    I don't know what ball movement you were thinking of. The offense was move the ball past half court. Throw ball to Dream. If one on one, shoot. If doubled, pass.

    That's it.

    Most of the teams in professional basketball are STAR driven, not team driven - like it or not. That's why a team with Shaq and Kobe can consistenly beat teams like Portland, Dallas, San Antonio and Sacramento that are ten deep in the playoffs. Those others teams play a team oriented game, but in the playoffs, you need your superstars to pick the team up and will it to a win. You need a star that is used to taking over games and taking the big shots to win. Show me the last team to win a championship that didn't rely primarily on giving their dominant player the ball every play on offense. When's the last time a team won a championship playing spread the ball around and every scores the same amount of points offense? It may be ugly, but it's what wins championships.

    If it really upsets you then you should probably watch college ball.
  8. Free Agent

    Free Agent Member

    Oct 19, 2002
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    Then don't watch.
    Go away.
  9. GATER

    GATER Member

    Jun 25, 2000
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    Not actually. We have Glen Rice's expiring contract added to some combination of Mobley, Cato, Moochie and/or Griffin.

    In order to get a valuable contributing player, we will probably have to also take in a bad long-term contract for Rice+.

    For example, Rice + EG + Cat + maybe a future pick to Miami Caron Butkler + Eddie Jones or Brian Grant. Jones and Grant are more serviceable than Rice, but they have huge, lengthy contracts. There may need to be other contracts to balace the cap but this is a close example of the Rockets are willing to make changes.
  10. limited_few

    limited_few Member

    Sep 21, 2002
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    You guys are crazy, I dont know if its still on there, but on CBS sports website a guy from the NY times wrote an article saying how the rockets were the team of the 21st century, how the rockets and i quote, "Are the solar eclipse of the NBA" how he can't stop watching the rockets, how the rockets are the most entertaning team in the NBA. the rockets are so much fun to watch, its showtime every night. Who dunks more than us and throws alley's like the way we do. I guess your one of those "Basketball purist". You are obviously not a rockets fan either if you don't want to see us in the playoffs.
  11. PhiSlammaJamma

    Aug 29, 1999
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    Making that playoffs is what it's all about.
  12. grummett

    grummett Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I commend each and every Rocket fan on this board who has watched every single game this year. You have patience that would make Job proud. After watching the Laker game, I got down on my knees, faced the local Mediacom office, and thanked them for not having the NBA package available in my area. If I had bought that package, I would have gone Elvis on my television by now.
  13. jeffreychang

    jeffreychang Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Well to Mr. Mean, it must be very watchable while the team turns back to its old self as he envisioned. Right now, Mr. Mean only cares about his career. He is trying to squeeze out a few wins and land his first Head Coach job. He does NOT care about Rox future and long term development. But Golden State turned him down and was very lucky to do that. I do not think any team would be stupid enough to give him any chance after these games.
  14. jeffreychang

    jeffreychang Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    That Lakers game, I saw the stupidest coach in the NBA. We would rather give Shaq so many chances at the end w/o double team. If we left one of their perimeter guy open, there is at least 50% or more chance he will not hit the net. But with Shaq, it is 0% chance he won't make the dunk.

    Give me an example if any other team/coach would do that.
  15. wizkid83

    wizkid83 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I don't care how we win, just win and everything else will take care of itself. G.S. got the better coach in Musselman for sure, but trust me, a lot of NBA teams can benefit from his coaching. The problem with players today is that there aren't enough tough team again, I think give the right players, Mr. Mean can put together a team like Indiana.
  16. jeffreychang

    jeffreychang Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Like Indiana??? which could only have its way in East and could lose more than 10 games in a row because they are boneheaded.
    Good lucky! But I do think Mr. Mean could do something if he coaches Shanghai Sharks. Rox should send him as good gestures.
  17. jeffreychang

    jeffreychang Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    And do you think we should have the best coach at Rox. Instead of one that is worse than Mr. Musselman.

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