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[ClutchFans] Notebook Dump: Reflections on Dwight Howard, Morey, Asik and Lin

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. BackNthDay

    BackNthDay Member

    May 29, 2006
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    Not a LOH, Morey, Les, etc.... Just a Houston Rockets fan, people come and go but Rockets last forever! It appears that Lin is over paid for his stats, cannot finish at the rim consistently, weak left hand, and midrange game is avg at best. I don't understand why some of you feel the ball is better is in hands on offense. I'm sure DMV has the stats and if that was the case he would instruct McHale on such.

    Bottom line he's a mid level exemption at about $3mln per yr and awesome opportunity as a role player
  2. wincan459

    wincan459 Member

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Rockets owner Les Alexander went to great lengths and cost to bring Lin back to Houston. He is important to the business side of the team as they continue to enjoy the benefits of being China’s favorite basketball squad. The Rockets also have a preseason game scheduled in Taiwan this year, and if they’d like to survive it, Jeremy Lin should probably be in attendance.

    So Lin is a Rockets not because his talent, but because he is Chinese?

    Here’s why I think Jeremy Lin would be hard to trade with that contract: Last year, as a free agent, Lin could have signed with anyone. As a Harvard-educated young man, I highly doubt Jeremy took less than market value to play in Houston.

    Please give me some examples that less educated players than Lin would likely take less than market value to play.

    He agreed to a deal worth between $6 and $6.5 million per year, meaning it’s safe to assume that no team in the league offered more. The Rockets strategically chose to give Lin $2 million more annually (on top of what they agreed upon) simply to make it more difficult for the Knicks to match.

    So unless you think Jeremy far exceeded expectations in 2012-13, he’s currently signed to an above market value contract.

    Is Morey stupid or is he hates the Knicks so much that he was willing to pay Lin above market value? Unless one is being hold at gun point, what in hell that he wants to pay someone above market value?

    I have come to a conclusion, in regarding of Lin, Clutch is biased AND stupid. He maybe just plain stupid.
  3. seahawk

    seahawk Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Will you offer Jeff Teague 8m/year with similar stat?
  4. Gday

    Gday Member

    Jul 4, 2013
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    Oh dear. You can't even type your sentence properly & you're calling clutch stupid?
  5. wincan459

    wincan459 Member

    Feb 22, 2013
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    I haven't see an article dissing lin as hard as this one. Now I see the leader of rockets fan base is doing it, great.

    Let's see the logic here.

    Lin is signed because he can bring in more money by attracting additional business, but he can't be traded because he cost more than what he is worth. Does this make sense?

    1st, by definition, when you sign a player, you either sign him to his market value or you are stupid, I'd rather think Morey is not stupid.

    2nd, even Lin is indeed signed above market value, would he be able to bring in additional business which is equal or great than what he is overpaid? If the answer is yes, then why he can't be traded? Does clutch have the numbers to prove that Lin can't bring in money to compensate the "above market value" portion he is paid? If clutch can't present the numbers then he is stupid to come to a conclusion without proof.
  6. wincan459

    wincan459 Member

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Just see the logic.

    I would admit I am stupid if you or clutch's Chinese is better than my English.
  7. Gday

    Gday Member

    Jul 4, 2013
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    Okay so English isn't your first language, fair enough.
    I think because of that reason you have misinterpreted Clutch's article.
    Perhaps if you disagree with someone's opinion instead of calling them stupid you could state your reasons for disagreeing?

    Clutch simply stated Lin's contract is not market value based on his 2012-2013 performances. It's hard to trade him due to his salary increase but not impossible.

    Do you understand?
  8. Rokman

    Rokman Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    This summer Asik and Howard need to work on passing to each other to create spacing. Lot's of movement in the paint and quick passes to keep the defense off of them. I think the 2 could play together for 10 minutes at a time, twice per game and then alternate on and off the court. If Asik and Smith worked pretty well, Asik and Howard could be a juggernaut. Asik is a very smart player and with McHale's help could expand to a mid-range game with some hard work.

    Most boo at the thought of Asik and Howard playing together but I would love to see it developed.

    P.G. - Lin (6-3) /////// Beverley (6-1)
    S.G. - Harden (6-5) // Garcia (6-7)
    S.F. - Parsons (6-10) / Jones (6-9)
    P.F. - Howard (6-11)/// Motiejunas (7-0)
    ..C. - Asik (7-0)/////// Smith (6-10)

    I love the flexibility of this roster! So many potential mismatches! Stacked team!
  9. Rockets2K

    Rockets2K Clutch Crew

    Mar 22, 2000
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    This wont end well
  10. Gday

    Gday Member

    Jul 4, 2013
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    LOL. Parsons can play center just like Smith at 6-10. :D
  11. wincan459

    wincan459 Member

    Feb 22, 2013
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    I guess you are the one who needs to go to English school.

    He agreed to a deal worth between $6 and $6.5 million per year, meaning it’s safe to assume that no team in the league offered more. The Rockets strategically chose to give Lin $2 million more annually (on top of what they agreed upon) simply to make it more difficult for the Knicks to match.

    Can you read? He was talking the time the contract was signed.

    Anyone can argue Lin is good or bad, because it is hard to proof either way conclusively. But if one can't even understand basic logic, he is stupid, in pure intelligent sense.
  12. DorianTurk

    DorianTurk Member

    Sep 26, 2008
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    This is getting ugly
  13. Gday

    Gday Member

    Jul 4, 2013
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    It is very hard to understand the point you are making here. The Rockets used the poison pill loop hole in offering Lin 2m more. Do you understand how this works?

    "So unless you think Jeremy far exceeded expectations in 2012-13, he’s currently signed to an above market value contract."

    This article doesn't have an agenda against Lin if you actually read all the information in context & understand it!
  14. wincan459

    wincan459 Member

    Feb 22, 2013
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    In essence, clutch believes Lin was signed not because his talent but his ethnic background. Lin is not traded not because Rockets appreciates his talent but his expensive contract, even with the extra money he supposedly can bring in because he is Chinese (never mind he is born American).
  15. Gday

    Gday Member

    Jul 4, 2013
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    It does NOT say that! Am I being wooshed? Not sure if serious?
    The extra 2m was so Knicks couldn't match & this was pre Harden deal where the organization were willing to gamble on Lin's basketball potential as he was a young player & Morey & staff decided buying young free agents was the best route to success without tanking. That & stockpiling assets for trades. Lin was signed for these reasons as well as the financial benefit!
  16. Gday

    Gday Member

    Jul 4, 2013
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    Lin was signed for the same reason Asik was. Young players who were available to sign & weren't 1st choice options for their respective clubs. Coincidentally they were both signed on similar contracts!
  17. mfastx

    mfastx Member

    Dec 1, 2009
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    Great article Clutch.
  18. wincan459

    wincan459 Member

    Feb 22, 2013
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    I don't want argue with you any more. I am talking pure logic sense, you don't seem understand.

    I don't care if there is an agenda or not, what this article presented about Lin simply make no sense. You don't pay Lin 8 million if you think he only worth 6 million, I can't understand it is so difficult to understand this.

    You can argue that the rockets misjudged Lin's talent, or you can argue Lin did not play to the expectation, but you can't say Morey knows he is overpaying Lin at the time he signed him. The reality, more likely, is Harden's arriving diminished Lin's value to the team.
  19. Yonkers

    Yonkers Member

    Jun 19, 2002
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    What's so hard to understand?
    Clutch is saying that at the time Lin was worth $6-6.5 million. The Rockets paid more than that to poison pill the Knicks and also because they believed they could make up that money on the business side.
    Based on Lin's play during the 2012-2013 season, he hasn't played up to his contract. (Personally I believe he played right around his contract if you compare him to other PGs throughout the league. Plus he played hurt, etc.) Trading him will be hard because his on-court play has not matched the cost of his contract. And not every team will be willing to bet they could make the difference in money back on the business side. The Rockets have a strong presence in China and probably could make Les the money back. The Milwaukee Bucks? Maybe not.
    And who cares if he's an American? It's obvious he gets a lot of coverage and interest from the Asian countries. It's not an insult to say that. Obviously you're here because of him.
  20. Gday

    Gday Member

    Jul 4, 2013
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    "Lin was signed before Harden, when the Rockets were in full-blown rebuilding mode. Patience was on the menu" Clutch

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