Maybe but only because the fans' access to authentic information is so limited that we rely on speculators and commentators. (Personally, I wouldn't call Simmons a journalist, though his thoughts on the game can be entertaining.) If coaches and players really opened up about what they do to the rest of us, We wouldn't have to depend so much on these guys. But them's the breaks.
May I ask why you keep bringing up Mel Kiper to compare to Simmons? Kiper is relevant 1 weekend out of the year and I would say has very little influence on anything. He just guesses where guys are going to get drafted. He has not created a media empire like Simmons. If you dont like the guy (which is pretty obvious) that is fine but to say the guy has no influence or relevancy in sports media these days is laughable.
I really liked his book of basketball, some good stuff. I hate how ESPN bought out most of the good competition for basketball coverage, especially because it always seems like they're in bed with the NBA (ESPN reporters seem less critical of Stern and the owners, ESPN uses its sway in free agency).
I believe Morey has done a lot for putting Houston on the map, but Bill Simmons has done a great job making the public recognize it. I think it is a contributing factor to our contention in the Dwight chase. No, I do not think it will make or break us. However, Dwight cares a lot about public image and Bill plants a lot of seeds into the viewer's mind. He talks a lot about how great Morey is and what he is trying to build. The reason I bring that up, is because I do think he has an influence past just "journalism" and someone talking about basketball. I am agreeing with the OP on a lot of things.
I started reading Bill Simmons in like 1999. Personally I think his stuff was a LOT better then (less regulations, more irreverent, a lot funnier and fresher, apparently his pre-ESPN stuff was so full of "inappropriate material" that he systematically removed all of it from the internet), but it's hard not to be impressed by him. He's lived every fan's dream. He went from being a Boston homer, to a random blogger, to the biggest sports writer in America. And he earned every bit of success. He got big because he knew his audience and was good at his job. He totally changed the rules on how to become a successful sports writer (he got hated on at every step of his career by the traditional sports media) and did such a great job of understanding how to use new technology. He's not only a sports media success story, but also an internet success story. You can hate on him all you want but you have to appreciate how he became the No.1 sports writer in America simply because he loves sports and is good at talking about it. If they made him the centerpiece of the countdown show, it would be A LOT better (I'm so sick of seeing him make good comments and then being ignored so everyone can get on Magic's jock, before this season he predicted that Asik might lead the league in rebounds and got laughed off the set). If you want a good read, I HIGHLY recommend hunting down his old ESPN Page 2 stuff, his Video Game Bo Jackson article is my personal favorite and should be required reading for anyone that played Tecmo Bowl growing up. If you want to watch some awesome documentaries, go get some 30 for 30's, The 2 Pablos is an AMAZING film, not just sports documentary. So yeah the feud with Doc is not his best moment, and I am more than disappointed with Grantland (Zach Lowe aside, I just wish Simmons would stay closer to his "roots") but I think he'll be around longer than Doc (what happens if the Clippers have yet another short post-season?) and will be studied by future generations.
He is better than anyone else on the NBA Countdown. As someone mentioned, ESPN needs to think about building the show around him and find people who can compliment him. Magic Johnson is really bad on TV, and Wilbon is painful too.
I don't mind him. Might not be the most knowledgable dude, but he has a fan's perspective, and that's fun to listen to, at least for me.
"When do you think we will see Derrick Rose back for the Bulls? Magic your thoughts?" "Derrick Rose will play when he feels comfortable to compete. Both mentally AND physically folks." "Have you guys ever considered with social media and Adrian Peterson's amazing comeback has made it tougher for other athletes to come back? I was thinking for every Athlete has ...." "If Derrick Rose is healthy he should be out there playing, Bill." .... "Lets take it to Jeff Van Gundy courtside in Miami!"
Don't see how you'd think this guy's smart. He's a immature overly sensitive column writer that doesn't know the game of basketball
His Grantland and B.S. Report podcasts are awesome. One of the funnier analysts/writers out there. Really enjoyed Grantland Live during March Madness.
It's like Artis is having a totally unrelated discussion with himself in this thread. BTW he wrote for the Jimmy Kimmel show for a little while. He's got an impressively varied resume. I'm a fan.
I think his podcasts are far as TV goes i think he comes off nervous and unsure of himself. That whole NBA countdown show is a complete joke. They need to start from scratch and get 4 new commentators.
Tell that to Rupert Murdoch who has been the kingmaker for the past few British Prime Ministers (who all have had to kiss his ring), not to mention framing much of the debates of American presidential debates. And Murdoch has only been copying the tried and true template left by William Randolph Hearst back in the day.