Believe it or not. Last year we all were envious of the Pacers team... posted last year. I'm proud of the fanbase picking majority over pacers this year. awesome! PG vs Harden Hibbert vs Asik Granger vs Parsons West vs ??? they are definitely better than us this year.. but next year when we get a star in howard/smith or whoever it may be.. thats a different story.
I'll take the Pacers right now. But if the Rockets get a solid 4, and if Lin gets his consistent, we'll be a better team. Hopefully Jeremy Lin works hard this summer and improve. And hope we get a f***ing solid power forward.
I voted Pacers. Why? Because they play in the East. Only two or three teams to beat out every season. The West is stacked from 1-9 and much more competitive.
Whatever happens with the Rockets over the next few months will not matter. The Rockets will be better than the Pacers soon. Whether they stand pat or get a free agent, they will be better.
tha pacers are who they are...they've already peaked....sans granger injury. rockets are so young, i think they have to have the brighter upside... d west may be forced to walk...their team will be completely different w/o him
hahhahahahahha. Ridiculous. I can't believe the homers. The pacers might as well win the chip and we will still have a brighter future.
How many rockets on the current team will even be here in three years? Harden. I bet everyone else will be gone given the track record of morey.
It seems most people voting for the pacers simply look at this season alone, and then then type "roflolrocketsfansarehomers." The pacers will have a very hard time getting better than they are right now. The second PG comes off his rookie deal, they will cease to get better. Do you think they can beat Miami this year or next? Probably not.
Agreed - I think everyone can agree that right now the Pacers are head & shoulders above the Rockets. However, looking at salary cap position, trade chips, and potential player development, the gap decreases significantly. I would take a future with Harden/Asik/Parsons/Lin over George/Hibbert/Stephenson/Hill any day. While I think I'm trivializing the matter some, I don't think many people can argue too much against this. I totally age with you about the comparison
The brightest future = Rockets. Pacers don't have anyone that will be a potential Superstar to build around, whereas the Rox have Harden. I know Paul George was an Allstar this year, but he will never be a Superstar
I really don't think it's that funny, unless you define the future as "a couple weeks". No disrespect to the Pacers - I wouldn't mind having that team. But the Rockets are set up well for the horizon.
They probably have a roster with a brighter future right now, but if you count cap flexibility and marketability to FA's I think the Rockets are positioned to be better than them from next season.
They went to 2nd round last and are in 3rd this year and may make to the finals. We can see them adding pieces over the years. It seems like incremental progress.
since indiana pacers are continiously building for future and working their way up always, and seeing '' ahh lets get d12 for his shiny muscles'' and ''we need to kill lebron to claim a chance in finals'' kind of superstar worshippers all around clutchfans, i'm all in for indiana. ps: guys, winning basketball is not about being a fan and referee favorite, freakisly athlete, flopping all around and acting like a 5 year old. That is whinning. Winning is working your ass out, dedication, experience, character and talent.
You're overlooking two things. First, both George and Hibbert still have a lot of unrealized potential. After the Pacers sign George to a max, they will still get better simply b/c George and Hibbert will mature as players. Secondly, Granger hasn't been playing. Next year, with Granger coming off the bench, I think the Pacers would have a great chance against Miami if they don't make any roster changes.
Paul George is being insanely overrated right now. He's a very good defender, but he's not all NBA first team quality, and his offense is extremely lacking for a guy some people are claiming is a superstar. The Pacers have a very deep team but they still lack a superstar. They're doing well against Miami right now more because Miami is injured and playing below their standards than because Indiana is such a great team. I'll take the Rockets just because we have Harden, and Harden is 2x the offensive player Paul George is. The most prized thing in the NBA is a guy who can take over your offense and create his own shot. We have that. Indiana does NOT.
That's really dumb. They have one of the best starting 5s (if not the best in the NBA). They have a horrific bench. However, the bench is the easiest thing to improve. Furthermore, they're getting a previous all star player back from injury. Oh and that player's speciality is being an amazing shooter which is exactly what the team needs.