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How do Forever Aloners break out of their shell?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Optimal6, Jan 5, 2013.

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  1. Optimal6

    Optimal6 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Ignorant? It's pretty much the truth. Plus, I wasn't talking about women, I was talking about girls who party and get trashed every weekend and they aren't women, they are sluts.
  2. cheke64

    cheke64 Member

    May 12, 2009
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    I got a bad b**** here with your name on it. She said you bull****.
  3. Damion Laverne

    Nov 19, 2010
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    You may have your opinion, but I think it's an ignorant one (we're all entitled to our own opinions). Partying is an escapist form of entertainment, and if the girls you describe decide to do what they do at the parties, then it's their prerogative.

    It's unfair, however, to generalize all girls that go to parties as sluts.

    Like in math, assumptions are deadly. For you, it doesn't look like it'll get better until you loosen up (you don't have to drink, as you've stated multiple times).
  4. Optimal6

    Optimal6 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    No, but the majority of them are. Not all party girls are sluts, but all sluts are party girls. Yes?
  5. Damion Laverne

    Nov 19, 2010
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    [800th post] NO. There are many different types of sluts; some of them just happen to go to SOME types of parties, not all of them.

    If you're not attracting the types of females that you seek, then you have to improve yourself so that you can. IT ALL STARTS WITH YOU.
  6. Optimal6

    Optimal6 Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    No, all of them. Why else would they be going there? Girls going to these parties are the same reason why guys go, they want to get laid and nothing more.
  7. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    What can you offer to the girls you want to talk to OP? Based off this thread, you seem like a sardonic, judgmental douchebag that refuses to get off your high-horse. What kind of girl (or just a person for that matter) would stick around that?
  8. Lelouche

    Lelouche Member

    Dec 17, 2010
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    I don't know why you guys are bothering with replying to this guy.
  9. Damion Laverne

    Nov 19, 2010
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    I don't think that's really accurate. You really don't have any way of proving such a statement, but I appreciate your view.
  10. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    Some girls go to those parties because they would rather take a chance they'll bump into someone who they'd like to get to know, rather than sitting their a$$ at home and talking about how men only care about sluts. There's nothing wrong with that.

    You need to leave your house and stop watching movies/tv shows immediately. You don't seem to be able to differentiate them from reality anymore. You are not one of a small group of good guys. People who go to parties don't all go there to get laid, even if many do. "Sluts" can make money too, they don't need to marry guys for money anymore, even if they choose to do so.

    Why do you think you haven't found anyone yet? Because none of the tens of millions of women of your generation get it? How about you find the woman you describe, and explain to her what you think of those girls - many of whom will be her family and friends - and see how interested she is in you afterwards.

    There is no formula. Drug addicts become priests. Holy men become rapists. Pornstars run for office. Good girls end up in bad places. Bad girls end up with good people. You are oversimplifying the world in an extremely pessimistic way, as if to say you are not at all to blame for not being handed a great person by just whining about it at home. There are millions of men who work hard, work out, and are not judgemental who are trying to find a decent girl. Guys who understand that a girl may have made mistakes or led a different lifestyle or had different interests at different points of their life. People who will push them to improve, rather than people who fit them into a neat inescapable ugly box.

    The only absolute here is your oversimplification and externalization of your misfortune. Sorry to say OP, you don't seem to be willing to change, so it looks like you're going to wait forever with your fingers crossed. You can be stubborn about winning arguments with people here, but that's not the game you should be trying to win.

    Here's a question to think about: after all you've said in this thread, do you think anyone here who knows a nice single girl would be dying to introduce you to them? The answer is no freaking way. When you figure out why the answer is no, then you'll start to move towards a better situation.
  11. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
    Supporting Member

    Dec 22, 2005
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    Thank you, all of you, for doing your part.

    BTW, can you imagine how this conversation might go in real life? Even the best case scenario wouldn't end well.

    Optimal6: "Hey, I'm having some difficulty getting the women I want. And what's worse, I don't care for crazy parties or clubs so I won't go there to get women because I think women who frequent those places are not the kind of people I want to associate with. Any helpful advice?"

    CF 1: "Sure, bro. I know that feel. I've been there before. I'm not a huge fan of clubs or crazy parties either. I would recommend trying A, B, and C."

    CF 2: "Absolutely. I agree with CF 1. On top of those places, I've had good furtune at D, E, and F. But I want to say something: perhaps you're being a bit too judgemental about club-goers, people you admitedly know nothing about. Since you're just starting out, I don't think it's wise to limit yourself so much when it comes to meeting women - or people in general."

    Optimal6: "No, all women who go to clubs or parties are sluts. They are. That's the truth. Though I don't ever go to these places and though I don't know anything about the people who do go to these places, I know they are sluts. End of story."

    CF 1: "Hmm. That is pretty harsh. But I realize you're young and when I was young I probably made harsh statements like that too. I'll just suggest at this point to work on yourself or your education/career. But good luck."

    CF 2: "Yeah, that was harsh, and terribly inacurrate. I know someone who used to be something of a partier. But she was never a "slut". And nowadays she's a great wife and mother. So, again: stop being so judgemental. Maybe to shake this image you should try to branch out a bit more. Not necessarily go clubbing or getting ****faced drunk, but trying things you haven't tried before."

    Optimal6: "No, it's not harsh. They are sluts. I know this because jilted losers on other forums have assured me that if I'm not with the woman of my dreams by age 19 the only reason could be because all women are whorey slutbags. And don't tell me to go to a club. Are you stupid or something? Everyone there is a disease-ridden w****."

    CF 2: "Alright, whatever. And I don't know why you even asked for advice since you apparently know all the answers."

    CF 3: "Optimal6, you need to calm down man. Look, my wife used to go out often when she was in college, and she's become a great woman. I couldn't ask for more. So I agree with these guys and suggest you be less judgemental, especially in areas you confess ignorance."

    Optimal6: "Your wife is a w****. She sleeps with everyone while you're at work. She's blown 30 men all at once. All 30 penises in her mouth at the same time. It's the truth. If you're angry it's just because you're butthurt that I have shown you the truth."

    Optimal6 was never seen again.
    1 person likes this.
  12. Pete the Cheat

    Jun 30, 2006
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    so this meandering troll job has raised an interesting philisophical question.
    do the past indiscretions of your significant other bother you? I guess it would take a unique individual to say it wouldn't wear on them at all, but to what level does it impact your relationship?

    I am at a point in my life where I can confidenely say "meh", but when I was the OP's age it was one of many things that may have easily played into my own insecurities (hormones are a hell of a drug)

    of course this is coming from the viewpoint of a strapping young buck who enjoyed his drunken social exploits. not a desparate troll looking for attention.
  13. Caltex2

    Caltex2 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Let's say you're not continuing to troll and stringing us along. I can only hope your "plan" doesn't involve the results of the events of Aurora, Colorado and Newtown, Conn. last year because if serious you do seem to be the type that would do that (though in reality I link those events to MK Ultra mind control and conspiracy but that's neither here nor there). Before you throw your life away getting even with the in crowd, you need to just come out of your shell and talk to people.

    But I have a feeling you're not even reading anymore and just chasing your tail of sorts in repeating arguments. So Clutch Fans, I'm sorry for feeding the troll and making him fat.
  14. SwoLy-D

    SwoLy-D Member

    Jul 20, 2001
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    WOW... I'm glad I'm late to this party, which is at its optimal capacity of fun. I'm sort of kind of glad I didn't post earlier. :grin:

    The irony in that is that some chicks DO want a guy like that... but they only end up visiting him in juvy or city jail. :grin:

    Thanks for the cliff's notes, Haymitch. He's back, though.

    Dude, even I am not THAT judgmental. :p I remember when I used to... no, I better not remind everyone.
  15. Caltex2

    Caltex2 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    You show up frequently at the gym and over time you recognize everyone's face and vice versa then everyone becomes friends. It happened to me a few years ago when I started playing at my local 24 Fitness.
  16. Dei

    Dei Member

    Jul 4, 2006
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    to get girls slowpoke
  17. DrLudicrous

    DrLudicrous Member

    May 9, 2002
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    Coed sports.

    And I think LCII meant that the same concept works in non-sports situations, join some sort of club or social group and over time you'll become friends with the other members.
  18. Caltex2

    Caltex2 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    You really do have little social interaction. You'd be surprised at who is a slut and in turn who you thought was a slut but was actually clean and maybe was a little insecure and looking for some attention.

    There are some real professional looking girls and women (principals, teachers, secretaries, businesswomen, etc...) anywhere from 15-50 that are major freaks, so don't let appearances fool you. This classy, brainiac girl I met four years ago is a major freak, at least from what I can tell reading her poetry on Facebook.

    Meanwhile there are girls I've known that show up at clubs and parties but are almost as clean as a whistle. In some cases, they go because they're friends are going and they wanna fit in. So stop generalizing.
  19. Caltex2

    Caltex2 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    You seem to be forgetting someone. :rolleyes:
  20. Caltex2

    Caltex2 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    There are no girls at the gym, especially if you see them repeatedly in your frequent visits?
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