Anybody interested in starting one? Maybe meet Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. I want a group to exercise with, not lift weights in the gym, but cross fit, that sort of thing. In my time in the service, I picked up a thing or two and if done right and with intensity, 30 minutes a day three times a week can really rip you up if you put in the effort. Maybe meet at a park or field somewhere, a bike trail would do too. Im talking sprinting, pushups, situps, kettle balls, shuttle runs, pull ups, air squats, 30 minutes non-stop you will be sore for days. Size doesnt matter, in fact if there are heavy set people who want to join in, Im all for it. You want to lose weight or get ripped, I want the same thing. Anybody interested?
I live in Humble but I get out of class around 2 every day. Obviously people work during the day so in the evenings sometime, maybe even 7 or 8 to avoid traffic. It will be dark, but it will be cool. Ive done cross fit in 6 inch snow before, doesnt matter you will still get the work out. If you guys know of a park somewhere and we can get maybe 8 people on a regular basis to show up, we can do group exercises and exercise relay races, adds to the motivation. This is a great way to be nice and toned by summer time, so for those who like to enjoy the beach, or those who have wives, now is your chance to impress. Im willing to buy the props needed and come up with a workout scheme if we can get a good group committed to it.
Hmmm, I live out in Klein (Louetta between 45 and 249), so I'm assuming that we'd have to come up with something a little more centrally located in order to entice more people into joining. I don't have an issue with driving out a little bit if it means we'll get a consistent group of people though.
When I'm not traveling for work, I'd be interested. My cardio is horrendous though. Oh and I live out in Cypress area, but work by the Galleria.
Is this a guys only thing? Im a lady, but I'm interested. I both live and work on the west side of town, by Terry Hershey park but will drive to Memorial.
Like I said, to be fair, I may move the meeting site around just so everyone gets a fair chance to drive around the block. There are parks all over, so we will just have to change it up every other day or so.