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Steve haters where you at now?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by DCballer, Jan 18, 2003.

  1. ChenZhen

    ChenZhen Member

    Aug 20, 2000
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    When people bash Stevie, do you guys think its because people here really hate stevie or its because these rocket fans here have a very deep passion for our beloved Rockets?
  2. R0ckets03

    R0ckets03 Member

    Nov 11, 1999
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    Lets also give credit to Cuttino. Steve might have been Batman, but Cuttino was more then Robin. His defense on Kobe was breathtaking.
  3. FrancisFan

    FrancisFan Member

    Jul 22, 2000
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    I'm not sure Batman and Robin is the right analogy (SNL), but Cuttino did play a superb defensive and great offensive game only showed-up by Steve's play and Walton kissing Yao's ass.
  4. arkoe

    arkoe (ง'̀-'́)ง

    Dec 13, 2001
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    I think it has its place. The majority of the time when they do it, they look foolish. However, I can't complain about when Steve was driving and inducing fouls from Shaq, Kobe, and Fox in overtime.
  5. Baqui99

    Baqui99 Member

    Jul 11, 2000
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    Ever hear of sarcasm? :p

    BTW, I must be getting old. "hata to the third power." In my time, we didn't incorporate 3rd order differential equations into smack talk.
  6. Greg M

    Greg M Member

    Aug 27, 1999
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    Sure it has it's place now and then but to see it used 6, 7 and 8 consectutive times down the court is idiotic. Hmm....this didn't work, let me try it again. Doh...next time I'll get them!
  7. DaneB

    DaneB Member

    Sep 30, 1999
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    Im not doubting Francis's skills, but I dont think you quite become a superstar until the playoffs, when everything is on the line. True, tonight his game was like a Da Vinci painting (a masterpiece), but if he wants to prove himself, the playoffs is the place to do it. If Francis shines in the playoffs and boosts his overall game during the playoffs, then we will all KNOW he is a superstar. By the way, this was a huge statement game, we all know that the Lakers are going to be in the playoff hunt (champs dont die as easy as just disappearing, you are overtaken by someone else), but the Rockets stepped up and pretty much said "You know what, we dont give a damn what you have planned, we want this game and we will give every last ounce of our bodies for it." I dont think Houston will be champs quite yet, but I think this was a positive step in the right direction, if they can take off with this confidence. The way we are capable of playing, I can possibly see us finishing #4 in the west.
  8. hikanoo49

    hikanoo49 Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    I have always said that Steve was a good/great player. Like what he showed tonight. BUT, I think his skill set and mentality is better suited as a SG instead of a PG. Nothing wrong with that, just my opinion.

    Walton said it best in tonights game. Something to the effect of "its a strange offense when the guy you have dribbling the ball upcourt is your primary shooter"... I think that statement says alot.

    Remember Allen Iverson tried to play PG also during his initial years. AI is very skilled and can do many things but the transition to SG was definitely better for him. I believe this is to be true for Steve as well.
  9. JunkyardDwg

    JunkyardDwg Member

    Oct 29, 2000
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    No matter how good they play, someone always seems to have to find something to complain about. I mean seriously, the Franchise played his BEST game of his career - smart, patient basketball with the exception of a few plays (i.e. going for the layup at the end of OT instead of holding the ball). He not only knocked down huge shots at every juncture but distributed the ball well too (his pass to Yao for the slam was phenomenal). And besides that, the game was close throughout so I don't see your reasoning when you say his ISO play let the Lakers back into the game halway through the fourth. In fact, I think it was in overtime when Francis had the ball at the top of the key and all our guys were stacked to one side, so he had no choice but to drive inside, to which he cashed in on a foul. And you know what he told his teamates before going to the foul line...he told them to SPREAD OUT more. Therefore, I suggest you enjoy the win and stop nitpicking...the Rockets we'rent focused on running ISOs at all, and they did a pretty good at the end of playing like a veteran team (and not falling apart).

    I disagree with you there somewhat. I do think a player has to step up big in the playoffs and prove themselves to be worthy. But tonight, for the most part, was a playoff game...it certainly had the instensity of one: a sellout crowd, the defending champions, a national television audience, a much-hyped game. It had a playoff atmosphere, and its games like this that seperates the men from the boys. And clearly, Francis stepped up huge...he was patient and determined and had his most complete game ever. 44pts 11ast 6reb and 2stl. Yet, I would have to agree with Bill and Calvin, in that Francis became a superstar with the pass to Yao in OT. That one pass took his game to the next level. Where in past seasons - and even past weeks - he might have taken that shot, he did not this time, looked for his teamates, and played smart and found Yao all alone underneath for the basket.
  10. napster

    napster Member

    Nov 22, 1999
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    I'm pretty sure half this BBS could go off for at least 20 against Fisher.
  11. danjojo

    danjojo Member

    Oct 23, 2002
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    We don't have any Steve haters on this board !!!
  12. pasox2

    pasox2 Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 31, 2001
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    Baqui99 is one of my favorite posters because he is consistantly funny. This "riposite" is rich. I think it belongs in your sig, like a badge of honor!

  13. carayip

    carayip Member

    Dec 22, 2002
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    Are there really any real SF "haters"?

  14. scutmb

    scutmb Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Steve was MVP tonight. And he should win the player of this week. His pass is much better. Only a few times he tried to do by himself in the end of regular period and leading turnovers. Did you guys notice the last drive he made When Rockets lead 4 points, lake turnovered, only aobut 40 seconds left? He drived to basket and missed it. If he can learn a little bit from Stock, he would controll the ball for the 20 seconds, and then lake no chance at all. We may ask too much. But once he learn that, he is a step closer to MVP.
  15. thumbs

    thumbs Member

    Apr 11, 2002
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    Despite his 44 points, the play I keep seeing in my mind's eye is that Kidd-like pass to Yao Ming to ice the game. It said, "I'm Steve Francis, point guard." He only scores 40+ to make sure opposing players can't lay off him.

    At the same time, Cuttino Mobley was running, gunning and defending. His play said, "I'm the Cat, shooting guard." (Actually we will have to refer to him in the future as "The Manx" because he works his tail off every game.)

    What a backcourt -- 73 points, 15 assists and 5 steals -- between the two. Personally, I like them in their current positions.
  16. Cohen

    Cohen Member

    Oct 1, 1999
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  17. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    Stevie had an air of confidence that I'm not sure I've ever seen from him. The game was his to win, and he knew it....and he looked like he'd been there before, and he'd get there again. Looked like it was no big deal...until they won, of course...and then I smiled as I watched him leap up and down with that huge grin on his face. Easily my favorite player in the NBA.
  18. Yetti

    Yetti Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Steve had his best game yet! Great Shooting, few mistakes. 11 assists not bad, 8 in the first half 3 in the second and overtime. Too many times other players were standing arround, not involved in the Game!Its great to see Steve improving as our Point Guard, he should should master it in time.
  19. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    I don't think Steve missed 7 times in a row on those plays considering he only missed nine times all night, one of which was a heave at the end of a quarter. The fact that Steve took those drives and executed them, caused the Lakers to collapse on him, which allowed that monster pass to Yao. I think it was a good mone, and when the team needed leadership and go-to guy tonight it was Steve.
  20. ROXRAN

    ROXRAN Member

    Oct 12, 2000
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    How can you not love Steve and the Rockets right about now?...

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