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Agent: Howard won't sign extension (via ESPN)

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by Cleepy, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. dmcray95

    dmcray95 Member

    May 4, 2012
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    The only people pushing the Howard to the Lakers crap is espn in the first place. Can you imagine if he does get traded to Rockets... Espn will be reporting in October the countdown again. Completely stupid
  2. real_egal

    real_egal Member

    Nov 20, 2003
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    Superman is the new Drama Queen now. How awkward can that be?:)
  3. Clips/Roxfan

    Clips/Roxfan Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    He's going to the LA Clippers, (The dream aint dead yet)...

  4. EssTooKayTD

    EssTooKayTD Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    I don't know why anyone would give up much to trade for him. I'm not giving up something for someone who probably doesn't plan to stay and can't even run right now.
  5. rocketblaze

    rocketblaze Member

    May 2, 2009
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    Well it looks like its either Houston or he stays in Orlando. Unless another team comes in..

    I think if push comes to shove, between choosing to stay in Orlando or traded to Houston. I think he chooses to stay in Orlando, despite all this drama.

    I mean, Orlando currently can offer him more money then anybody else after the season. Not to mention they have a new GM and new coach coming in. So the guys that Dwight had beef with are gone. Not to mention their also a lot closer to competing then we are, which I'm assuming has to be factored into the decision. I think Dwight's best choice might just be to stay in Orlando.

    Although there will be a huge backlash after this huge disaster that has gone for what seem's like forever.
  6. EssTooKayTD

    EssTooKayTD Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    I thought the latest "likely" scenario is that he goes to LA, Bynum and nasty contracts to Houston, and Orlando gets whatever from Houston?
  7. da_juice

    da_juice Member

    Dec 16, 2009
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    Man, is it going to be an awkard year in Orlando.
  8. Shroopy2

    Shroopy2 Member

    Feb 16, 2003
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    Its just like Chris Paul not signing and extension with the Clippers after one year. Its business, its little to do with the feelings for the team.

    [Unconfirmed] The new CBA rules makes it more lucrative for a player to let his contract run all the way out and then sign afterward.

    For extensions, whatever remaining years on the CURRENT contract gets SUBTRACTED from the extension amount, I BELIEVE :confused:

    2 years left on current contract
    4 year extension
    can only get 2 more extended years the after the END of the current contract?

    Blake Griffin qualified for the "Derrick Rose" rule based on incentives and was allowed to sign a heftier extension deal. Most other players gotta let the contract run til the end, THEN add-on past that.
  9. MambaJoe

    MambaJoe Member

    Jul 11, 2009
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    I don't know why some of you still want him on this young Rockets team? This guy and all his drama would really ruin the chemistry on this team. Do you guys see whats he doing to the Magic fans in Orlando? Right now the Magic fans are going through hell right now. They all can't wait for all this nightmare to be over. I for one do not want that drama to come to Houston at all. The Rockets have no chance in getting him to resign and TRUST me, if they want to trade him it will be the same nightmare like the Magic are going through.

    Its like he wants to be in the media. After all the Jeremy Lin explosion all over the news ended, its seem like he tried to get himself back into the spotlight again... This guy just won't stop. I mean he wants his team to trade him but the way he's acting makes it harder for the Magic to trade him. He's acting like a 5 year old spoiled kid in a candy store. This guy needs to stop this fiasco. Either help his team trade him by giving them more options to trade with or just try to stick with them for one more year and try to make one last run for the championship...(Oh wait, you can never do it by yourself) nevermind that.... Just keep your nightmare going because that's the only thing you can do nowadays instead of trying to win... This guy is pathetic. I might be harsh but I hope he never wins anything because he does not deserve it at all.

    I don't care what the circumstances are but I do not want this baby on the Rockets. He doesn't care about winning but more about being in the spotlight and having all the media surrounding him so he can swim in it. He will NEVER be close to the great centers ever... Dwight Howard will never be a HOF...
  10. MambaJoe

    MambaJoe Member

    Jul 11, 2009
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    The Superman has just became Smallville...
  11. logggur

    logggur Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Has anybody even taken the time to look at what teams may actually be able to sign Howard in the 2013 offseason? I haven't looked in too much depth, but the list seems to taper off really quickly after Houston, Dallas, and Atlanta.
  12. mr. 13 in 33

    mr. 13 in 33 Member

    Oct 23, 2010
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    If he signs with atlanta then he'll be able to play basketball with his friend Josh smith, sign with the mavs and play along with dirk or come to Houston to play along with Jeremy Lin

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