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The Official Rick and Ricky in Minnesota Thread

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by _RTM_, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    below 32 is considered not worth mentioning
    33-35 is below average
    35-37 mediocre
    38-40 good
    40-42 very good
    above exceptional to god shooter level

    Kidd had a very extensive career so yeah he was a bad shooter became mediocre
  2. _RTM_

    _RTM_ Member

    Nov 30, 2009
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    It's the first right thing EVER that this crazy dude wrote on this board

    It's true.
  3. _RTM_

    _RTM_ Member

    Nov 30, 2009
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    Rick reaches to Chuck

    Not a surprise at all
  4. OHMSS

    OHMSS Rookie

    Apr 29, 2009
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    Yes, maybe more local church league or rec center basketball.
  5. _RTM_

    _RTM_ Member

    Nov 30, 2009
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    MINNEAPOLIS -- Ricky Rubio and J.J. Barea will miss the Minnesota Timberwolves' preseason game against the Milwaukee Bucks on Wednesday to rest minor injuries for the regular season.

    Both guards did not practice on Monday or Tuesday for precautionary reasons and stayed behind in Minnesota when the team left for Milwaukee on Tuesday night.

    Rubio has a sprained right ankle and Barea has a thigh bruise.

    Coach Rick Adelman says neither injury is considered serious. And with a grueling regular-season schedule set to begin Dec. 26, the Timberwolves are playing it safe with two of their most important players.

    Rubio tweeted on Tuesday evening that he will definitely be ready to play in the opener against the Oklahoma City Thunder. Barea figures to be ready as well.
  6. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    I figured that was all you knew.
  7. OHMSS

    OHMSS Rookie

    Apr 29, 2009
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    If you are such a basketball genius, then explain to me why Rubio, a guy that can't shoot, can't finish, and despite what you say, is not good at driving the ball and dishing in half court, against ACTUAL defense...........

    explain to me how this guy is a good fit in the flex offense.


    Now I realize that in the NBA he is playing against much worse defense than in the Euroleague, with no hand checking rule, defensive 3 seconds rule, no true zone defense allowed, refs that call the game much tighter, refs that give out free throws very easily, and just the general fact that NBA is an offense oriented league and defense is at best optional.

    Plus the fact that Wolves will play a lot of open court fast break basketball and so forth.

    So I realize that automatically Rubio's numbers will increase in the NBA because he's playing against way way way worse defense than he did in Euroleague, or than he does in top FIBA tournaments like EuroBasket.

    But..........with that being said, he STILL is a guy that cannot shoot and that does not finish layups or drives and that does not handle drawing contact and then being able to make a pass.

    You just wildly assert that he can drive the ball, draw the defense and then kick it out to shooters. Yet this is simply imaginary, because he can't.

    So, there are only two options, if teams zone his teammates and leave him unguarded and don't worry about following him on the pick and roll, then he will either be useless on offense in the flex offense, or he will have to be bailed out on nearly every single possession by the refs.

    So please man, if you are such a basketball expert tell me which one it is then. Are the refs going to create and even more exaggerated version of LeBron and Wade and just blow the whistle every single time..........or is he going to magically transplant himself into a different offensive system?

    Because I'm not seeing it. It still comes down to a half court offense most of the time and if a team actually decides to play defense, even under the NBA rules which have almost outlawed defense......but, let's say in the playoffs if the Wolves got there, and a team at least gave effort on defense and at least tried to play defense within what the NBA rules allow (which is not much), how is Rubio going to work in that flex offense?

    Please, educate me with your great basketball knowledge. What is Rubio going to do if teams stay at home on the other players, don't go out on the pick and roll and leave Rubio to become a SCORER/SHOOTER in the half court, against a set defense, with the flex offense options?

    Come on man, if you are such a basketball expert please explain it to me.
  8. DaDakota

    DaDakota Rockets forever!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Man that fake greek accent just went FLYING out the window KBP/Apollo/OHMSS/whatever the **** other names you have.

  9. OHMSS

    OHMSS Rookie

    Apr 29, 2009
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    Wow, look, DD the "basketball guru" has no way to explain how a guy that can't shoot and can't score will perform in set half court flex offense, if the other team just zones off him all game.

    Yep, you sure are a basketball genius, just like you claim DD.
  10. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Dude, come on.

    They're gonna be running the break. They have a vacuum on the boards in Love. He's also probably the best outlet passer in the game.

    How did Magic do it? He couldn't shoot for sh..

    They will run the break, my dear friend. And Rubio will dominate. Now, when they get in half court sets, Adelman's passing game is.....Adelman's passing game. Cut pass cut pass cut pass cut pass.

    Zone? Do you think Rubio can throw the ball to the corner for the wide open jumper? Oh, they gonna sag off Rubio. Yeah, sure they will. He'll take the space and be dribbling around from 17 feet away instead of 23 feet away. Do you think they are going to be up on the shooters or sagging off on the shooters? If they play up on the shooters, what are the shooters going to do in Adelman's offense. They're gonna cut to the rim. Rubio will deliver the ball on the money. If the defenders are playing a sagging defense all the way around the perimeter to contain lil' Ricky Ricardo that can't play basketball, then he's gonna hit the spot up shooters in the corners.

    Forget the argument. Just watch.

    Goodness, former and current NBA players are saying he's going to be great. They already love him in Minny. The players, that is, love him after running the floor with him for a few practices. Guys like Kobe and Chris Paul have said he can play, and that was a couple years ago now. Yeah, I know. He's slipped since then. You've watched him play 20 gazillion times and your eagle scout eye says...he can't play. :rolleyes: Dude can't shoot. :rolleyes: Dude can't finish. Yack, yack, yack.

    Watch it happen, OHMSS. Then please, please.........go away.....back to Europe..........where the competition and level of basketball play is greater than the NBA.......just go.
  11. RudyTBag

    RudyTBag Member

    Jan 6, 2006
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    Who said anything about attacking the rim? How about long 2's?

    It is generally believed that any player that shoots anywhere near 50 percent from 15 feet out is a good shooter. If you step a few feet back and take a three you get the same EFG If you shoot 33%...
  12. OHMSS

    OHMSS Rookie

    Apr 29, 2009
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    Right. So you just confirmed that you actually don't know anything about Rubio's game....
  13. outlaw96

    outlaw96 Member

    Dec 10, 2011
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    OHMMS, though you posts about rubio makes sense you are extraggerating too much. Rubio's jumpshot ain't so bad. He's FT percentage is OK. 3 point percentage was good except last year. The problem is, he can't shoot while being defended. He need much more time than average player do. His realease is very slow. He makes good passes, dribbles great, he is young - he will improve.

    PS. last year was very bad for ricky. I do think it has to do something with the fact that kid was playing non-stop for past 4 years. every summer with national team, leagues etc. It affected him both physically and physologically. The NBA lockout was the best thing for rubio that could have happened. Finally he had some time to rest a bit.

    PS. he played in barca, there was no need for PG to scoe points when playing in barca. Moreover, despite being low on scoring, his efficiency was always above team average. Last year was awful for him but don't judge the kid only for a one year. as I said, he'll improve.
  14. mike_lu

    mike_lu Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    OHMSS logic: if Rubio plays well in NBA, it's because NBA competition sucks vs Euroleague, if Rubio plays bad in NBA, it's because Rubio sucks. If Rubio passes well, it's because NBA defense sucks, if Rubio doesn't pass well, it's because NBA players are inferior athletically vs Euroleague and can't catch passes.

    Guys need me to extend this logic to shooting, rebounding and defense? We can be assured OHMSS will argue free-throw shooting percentages don't translate properly across continents as NBA rings are bounce-friendly.
  15. Outlier

    Outlier Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CIzhHxrijNY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Game changer.
  16. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    I know it is easy to zone European teams, because they simply aren't as good as NBA teams. But you damn sure cannot zone a Rick Adelman team. He will smile real big if you do. You truly know nothing...absolutely nothing,,, about best basketball league in the world.

    And btw, it is not a flex offense ... :rolleyes: I'd explain the differences, but you are not smart enough to understand top basketball systems here in the US.

    go away ... idiot.
  17. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    No, never seen him play. :rolleyes:

    Go away, rookie.
  18. MorningZippo

    MorningZippo Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    lol it's even funnier because a flex offense would be absolutely terrible for Rubio's game. The last thing you want to run is pin downs and flex screens when you have a gifted passer that can't shoot.
  19. DaDakota

    DaDakota Rockets forever!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    I never said that, but thank you for recognizing it....clearly you got at least one thing right.

    Brah !

  20. DaDakota

    DaDakota Rockets forever!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Rubio is going to do great in the NBA, the refs will protect him and the no hands on the perimeter rules will really help him as well.


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