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[Movie] Transformers 3

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Xerobull, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. Eric Riley

    Eric Riley Member

    Nov 18, 2002
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    Got back from the 9pm showing. Visually speaking it's great, and well worth the $10+ for the 3D. But that's about where the strengths of the movie end. I went into this movie having told myself I'd learned my lessons from the first two movies and to keep my expectations low - yet still I found myself facepalming throughout this one.

    At times the plot becomes downright confusing; not because it's complicated, but because too much stuff happens just for the heck of it. And too many random (and pointless) characters are there just for the heck of it. Oh, and don't forget the loopholes. And then there's the ending. It's kind of like they just stopped the movie. For what is supposed to be the last Transformers movie in this trilogy, I certainly expected a better ending.

    But in the end, it's a typical Michael Bay movie. I'm not upset, and I'm not pretending this movie is anything it's not. It's a mindless summer popcorn flick. I got what I paid for.
  2. The_Yoyo

    The_Yoyo Member

    Dec 25, 2001
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    Got back and for once pleased as a fanboy. Bay actually got it right for once
  3. Obito

    Obito Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    It irks my heart that Michael Bay continues to make Megatron look like a MASSIVE b**** throughout these movies, I ****ing hate it.
  4. The_Yoyo

    The_Yoyo Member

    Dec 25, 2001
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    true but

    a whole lot better than in the second film where he was a b**** to "the fallen" but in a lot of ways that was Megatron's MO to sit back and let all the other decepticons battle for him and then come in at the end to finish it off and steal ultimate glory or he would just fight Optimus

    one thing i liked about the movie that made it a step up from the first two

    no made up ****

    in like they didnt add in something new into the transformers mythos

    the first movie had the all spark which made no sense

    second one had the fallen which was absurd to think that Megatron had a master he served -- that too a former Prime

    this movie didnt add anything drastically new to the mythology of the Transformers it took characters and things that were already in the comics and or original television series and built a story around that

    IMO thats why the story in this one holds up a lot better than the previous films they didnt try to add in things to make it cute and all

    of course visually with the 3D it was the best looking of the 3 but that should be expected

    there was some convenient parts and loopholes but a lot of those are pretty easily overlooked considering the context of it being an action film...seen far worse from the previous two films if you go in wanting an oscar winning film you will be disappointed regardless like Ebert (who seems more and more like a bitter old man by the day) but those wanting a entertaining action film so far this one is the best of the summer flicks of 2011
  5. AB423

    AB423 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Just watched it and I thought it was badass and funny. The scene where they were falling inside the building had me clinching to my seat. I think I might watch it again but in 3D.
  6. Miguel

    Miguel Member

    Feb 9, 2003
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    After TF2, I wasn't sure if I'd want to go see this one. While I am a Transformers fan, I just thought Bay had essentially given up and just kinda threw **** together. The 3rd one is much much better than 2, and it's been a while since I saw the first one, but it's pretty close in my head at the moment. It's no Bad Boys/The Rock, but it was fun to watch. Intrigued about the 3D praise it's getting, but I'm not sure if I want to go see it again in 3D. Maybe if I wake up early enough and go check it out in a theater before noon one of these days.
  7. Ricksmith

    Ricksmith Member

    May 6, 2009
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    I liked it, I just can't stand the humor they try to throw in these movies. The visuals were amazing, though. Was worth the extra $3 for 3D.
  8. Dave2000

    Dave2000 Member

    Aug 4, 2001
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    Agree with everybody else so far, this movie should've been the sequel, hell you didn't have to see the 2nd to get this movie. Typical Bay movie with the runtime being about 2 hour and 40 mins, about 2 hours of it is action scenes, no lie.

    I'd put this up there with the first. I usually don't like comparing sequels with the original since the first always explains the origins for 1/2 the movie with the sequels just expanding from it. Definitely worth seeing, I'd put it in my Top 5 of the year so far.

    Ken Jeong's cameo was epic..... the part where he bust out the guns to the decepticon in 3D was badass, I was just waiting for him to bust out his Leslie accent from the Hangover

    John Malkovich, was just playing himself, old and odd man in the very limited role he was in, probably could've cast Eric Roberts or Christopher Walken and you'd get the same performance

    I called it, the over(under) 4 times they played the Linkin Park song....

    Rosie Hunntington-Whiteley is very nice, has the same "WOW who's this chick that came out of nowhere" factor Megan did with the first movie

    You can't convince me the only reason why Optimus didn't die is because Carly talked some sense to Megatron to get revenge on Sentinel, you just can't, but after 20+ people surviving a getting out of a fallen 50 story building, I shouldn't b**** about it

    The final fight was anti-climatic, hell it was almost as long as the Dempsey/Labeouf fight
  9. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    I'm probably not gonna see this in the theaters, especially not after the train wreck that is the second movie. Can someone spoiler the ending for me?
  10. VanityHalfBlack

    May 7, 2009
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    <embed class="rev3PlayerEmbed" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://revision3.com/player-v8666" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" allowScriptAccess="always" width="555" height="312" />
  11. BigSherv

    BigSherv Member

    Jun 1, 2002
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    Why do they make Optimus look like a punk. Right in the middle of a fight he gets caught in some wires and has to get cut down. Then he gets his arm cut off like it was made of paper mache. Come on man.

    And what is Bay trying to do making Shockwave a badass? In my mind he was always a pvss. Always complaining how he has to guard Cybertron. Meow meow.
    #111 BigSherv, Jun 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011
  12. The_Yoyo

    The_Yoyo Member

    Dec 25, 2001
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    in the cartoon he was a pansy having to be the guarding of cybertron, in the comics though he was a total badass who actually led the decepticons and was more feared than megatron. Shockwave actually transformed into a much more powerful gun than megatron if i recall correctly. He didnt play much of a role in the tv show because most of it was centered on Earth and then after that the writers/directors/producers pretty much decided that Megatron was going to be the only leader (then of course Galvatron)

    its been a while since i read the comics (due for another reading sometime soon) but if i remember right, megatron/galvatron, shockwave, ratbat and scorponok all were leaders of the decepticons at some point. scorponok imo being the most bad ass of them all (of course he too was marginalized in the tv series)

    As for optimus didnt mind that as much since he f'ed up megatron and sentinal afterwards

    sorry for going nerd on this post
  13. BigM

    BigM Member

    Jul 1, 2001
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    I thought this was the best of the three. It makes up for the crap that was part 2. In Imax and with the 3d I was thoroughly entertained.
  14. RedRedemption

    RedRedemption Member

    Jul 21, 2009
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    Is Transformers still cheesy as hell like the previous two?
  15. Rox_fan_here

    Rox_fan_here Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    but this time the cheese is served on a much nicer cracker.
  16. 1JumpShot

    1JumpShot Member

    Mar 17, 2008
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    I give this movie an A- I can see the effort they tried to put into this one...
    Could have been a A+ if they had a better ending though

    I hope they come out with another Transformer movie maybe like something in the past showing War for Cybertron, though, I don't expect it to be as good.
  17. Obito

    Obito Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    If they make another movie they need to bring out Nova Prime, that ****ers sick.

  18. geeimsobored

    geeimsobored Member

    Aug 20, 2005
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    Optimus died in the 1986 movie, this stuff doesnt make any sense.
  19. AB423

    AB423 Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    No one wants to see the good guy die, if he had, I woulda been crying.
  20. OmegaSupreme

    OmegaSupreme Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    blown oportunity

    blown opportunity or after thought?

    once i saw it in the movie, i was immediately pumped. the autobots were getting ready to be shipped off earth in this really huge (steroid huge) rocket with railtracks around it. in the movie the autobots claimed that they built it, so why waste the opportunity when the resemblance was soooo obvious to... omegasupreme? seriously. if any of you waste your time to see the movie again, take a look at the tracks on the ground and the detail of the rocket. they had to have gone a different way with the story line.

    some folks believe that the ark that crashed on the moon was omega (a few googable links out there), but meh.

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