Funny stuff. Obama took plenty of shots at Trump, took advantage of the birther issue for laughs, brought up Biggie & Tupac and used a Wu Tang record as background music. Awesome. Seth Meyers did a good job in his role as invited comic too. Obama's Monologue <iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Seth Meyer's Monologue <iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Hahah. Trump got owned up and just sat their with that angry look on his face. My favorite joke: "Trump says that he's friendly with the Blacks.....but unless the Blacks are a family of whites I bet he's mistaken" - Seth Meyers
I would abolish this event were I POTUS. A celebration of privilege and access when these are supposed to be servants of the people. All very unseemly. And accusations of racism are never funny. Just about the worst thing you can call a person.
He wasn't calling him racist. He was just pointing out that he doesn't have a good relationship with black electorate especially after he refers to them as "the blacks"
the seth myers bit was ok. didn''t really seem natural though. he needs to work on his presentation and not look down on this notes so much.
"Trump says he's running as a Republican, which is funny, because I thought he was running as a joke."
What made the Trump jokes so great was after every single one they panned to him showing him pouting. Great stuff.
Hogan theme with Karate Kid, Transformers, etc. was hilarious. The President was funny. Seth Meyers looked nervous. Who wouldn't be in that situation? He didn't do a bad job at all, but it makes Colbert's appearance there seem that much more impressive.
so seth meyers got off the last where osama is hiding joke. i guess obama knew even while he was laughing.
Trump looked like the someone planted a spike in his seat. If the man can't take a joke, why is he even running?