Thabeet??? UPDATE: 12:10am -- story from the Memphis Commercial-Appeal <HR> radio personality in Memphis talking about a Thabeet for Battier deal that could happen but the rockets want more for battier.
Thabeet has done nothing man in his what 3 years in the NBA. Thabeet should be a throw in, not the main part of a trade. The Grizz need to give up Mayo.
I might go for Thabeet for Battier if it were closer to the deadline and they had no better offers. I mean might as well get something.
Get Mayo and throw in Lee. Then flip mayo to bulls for asik/cha 12. Supposedly they want mayo more than Lee. I don't know why based on their win now motives. Lee has been just superior.
I'd rather have battier go to somewhere meaningful for him. Thabeet would be a Center but he is not a starting center. I'd rather have Dalembert and I don't like Dalemberts game but he would be more servicable than Thabeet.
yep, i was wondering the same thing. not happy about giving up lee though. would rather brooks, battier for mayo and thabeet
I'm fine with taking on Thabeet as a project. I realize he has done next-to-nothing as a pro, but he's young, 7'3", and has more defensive potential than any other big man on our roster. It's very hard to get a serviceable center these days, so if we can acquire a guy with potential like Thabeet and then work on developing over the next 1-2 years, we can focus on improving other parts of the team. Battier is a FA at the end of this year and realistically dosen't fit with the direction this team is going. Trading him to a playoff contender would do right by him, and more importantly, it would free up some of the logjam at the 3 for Bud and T-Will to develop. Hopefully, we can get more than just Thabeet, but if that's a 1-for-1 deal, I say go for it.