Yao Ming has signed his contract and sent it to Rockets by Express mail. http://sports.sina.com.cn/k/2002-10-14/1545334804.shtml
Whats up with this nWo34Life you have been posting little 5 to 10 words post all night long with this CRAP following COME JOIN MY PRIVATE LEAGUE IN FANTASYSPORTS.YAHOO.COM/NBA!! League ID#: 13940 Password: hakeem Draft Time: Tuesday, October 15 at 7:40 pm CDT THE LEAGUE IS FULL!! IF YOU WANT TO BE AN ALTERNATIVE, PLEASE POST IN THIS THREAD: http://bbs.clutchcity.net/php3/show...&threadid=42629 The Future of the Houston Rockets - THE MING DYNASTY BEGINS... Hakeem the Dream - THE LEGEND LIVES ON... The Houston Texans EMBARRASSING the Cowgirls on 9/8/02 - HOW SWEET IT IS!! IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE ADVERTIZING ON THE BBS FOR YOUR OWN GAIN ....
Express mail? Holy cow. Im thinking I want that things in the hand of a courier rather than Fed Ex or UPS. They screw up everything. lol
Good question...the Asian Games are over, so shouldn't the CBA have been able to offer its clearance already as intended? Hook us up Windandsea, I'm having trouble reading sina.com
I thought you could not find the right site. But if you cannot read chinese, you may need your Chinese Collin Pole.
The other Chinese site, which is quite authoritative, indicates not only Yao had signed the contract, but also CBA has signalled a green light. It will be announced soon after the Asian game.
Here's another link posted by acrophobia98 in another thread... http://www.sportsonline.com.cn/GB/channel4/index.html
Computer translation: Reports Pusan today the electricity According to knowing the circumstances of the matter disclosure £¬ Yao has clearly received the rocketAllThe happy aspect sends ºÏͬÊé £¬ And has signed own given name in the contract. In all these all quietly are carrying on. At present this share has¡°Foremost person in the field Xiu¡±The own handwriting signs ºÏͬÊé £¬ Is sending toward USA on the way. After estimates two days £¬ The rocket club can receive. It is reported £¬ Because Yao Ming in Pusan not fixed passingNews address. The rocket club mailed to the contract went there one reporter which Pusan interviewed the Asian Games £¬ Again transmits from him to the Yao bright hand in. Yao Ming Yi holds this Reporter £¬ Through special delivery £¬ Sends the contract toward ÐÝ˹. According to Yao bright acts Zhang Ming Ji to disclose £¬ The rocket to Yao is brightOpens is one4Year priceValue1800Ten thousand American dollars contracts £¬ And permitsPromises Yao Ming in the time which is summoned by the national sports team returns to homeland the potency. It is reported £¬ At present ChinaThe basket association has opened to this matter¡°Green light¡±£¬ But is officialAfter the foreign announcement needs to wait till the Asian Games to end. £¨ Specially appointed reporter Yan Xiao Xian £©
why does it all have to be so complicated? we drafted him, everyone else who had him getts a piece of the pie, he should be able to sign and play with no other headaches!