I vote small penis. Males with small penises are very insecure beings. Spoiler don't ask dumb questions Same with females who have small breasts.
You're right. I shouldn't ask simple questions on clutchfans, because you've proven to incapable of providing the correct answer.
lol your cousin sounds just like mine. He signed up to the military and was in Virginia for a couple of months. When he got home he told a little cousin of his that he killed someone going to war for our country. That was the worst lie I ever heard him say. It's to the point now where it's just funny.
Really, its just to make things a lot easier for ourselves. For example, if a child lies about not breaking a vase when he actually did, would he; A) Take a yelling from his mum. B) Get away with it entirely and continue on with his day as normal without parents that are directly angry with him. Obviously the easy road would be taken because we are all lazy to an extent
i have an old friend who is a pathological liar...she always lies about almost everything and it has gotten to the point where i would ask my self if i should believe her... i guess it is so easy to lie.
I had a friend like this until I would call him out on every lie. He eventually slowed down when he was around me. I don't hang out with him anymore. I heard he married a gal with 3 kids...unless he was lying about that too.
What if you are in the Italian mafia and the cops bust you for connections of a murder and they ask you to rat out a friend.. Could you lie then???
So I just had a coworker tell me that he wrote two episodes of a popular FOX tv series, and even went as far as to describe one of the episodes in detail. Of course, I looked this up on IMDB and quickly confirmed that he never wrote a damn thing. This is just one of many lies that he tells. It's pretty much on a daily basis...some are just worse than others. This represents the guy I'm talking about to a "T".
No. I'd hate to discourage him from making more outlandish, entertaining claims. I only call him out when he pretends to know the first thing about basketball/the Rockets. Just today he was assessing how the Rockets performed in the playoffs last season, and he regularly refers to the recent Rockets/Lakers series as "the championship". He's a dunce.
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