This show hit the crapper starting halfway through season 2. I have NEVER in my day witnessed a show poo on itself so often... It was like a poorly written comic book with truly absurd (even for its content) plot twist and plot devices. Hopefully those writers stay fired...good riddance.
I've stayed with the show throughout all four seasons. While the first season was indeed its best, I felt like the story pretty much wrapped up its storyline pretty well. It kind of ended where it started, in a sense. I felt like closure was given and it was time for the series to end.
Not to derail this thread, but that episode wasn't that bad. It was a letdown from the expectations I think, but not that bad.
Ah, what a relief. I've been wanting to quit Heroes for at least 2 seasons now, but the "potential" of the show always sucked me back in. (Heroes = the Kwame Brown of TV shows...) Thank you, NBC, for making the decision for me. Here's hoping Tim Kring never gets to run (... and ruin) another TV show EVER again. And oh, BTW, as good as season 1 was, the season finale SUCKED. That was the beginning of the end.
The problem with Heroes after season 1 is that they got attached to the same characters and the same storylines that they never let a decision stick. How can there be interesting conflicts when there are absolutely NO consequences for anything anyone does?
When they left the Irish girl in the future, you sorta knew they just stopped taking the fans seriously.
Anyone who watched The X Files go off the tracks could have predicted this. Seriously, it's only fitting that the last episode of Lost have a guest appearance by David Duchovny.
The Island is actually just scene from Red Shoe Diaries?!? /piling on loved s1, hoped for better the rest of the way. At least Sylar's character gave us a decent Spock.
Don't know why I kept watching this show after season 2, always thought they might make it interesting again, didn't happen, I'm glad they axed it.
I stopped watching after the first four episodes in season 1. I thought it should have been canceled after that, I just felt it all went downhill from there but I know many others disagree and thought the entire first season was great.
The entire first season wasn't great, but it had great moments and I was on the edge of my seat until the very dissatisfying finale. After season one ended, I could tell the show would never regain it's footing.
I really liked the first season. It had a sense of urgency and built up the key players pretty well. One of the problems was that they made a few guys pretty much invincible. Just weak writing overall. Disappointing.
First season was overloaded with promise. Problem was, the producers very clearly had zero vision going forward. Enter hack soap opera writing. Hey guys, would should we do this week? Make Peter go bad! Make Sylar sympathetic and good! Make Claire go lesbian! Switch Matt's power to be a precog! Put Hiro in a coma! I tried so hard to stay with the show, but they just had no plan or remote clue how to design a character arc.