I bet he's pissed about how poorly written his character is now, especially when compared to the early seasons.
I think it's a good move by Carell. The Office has been dry for a while and while there are certainly good episodes here and there, the last few seasons have been overall pretty bad. I think he would do well if he decides to just stick with the movie biz.
Every season of The Office is great- some are just more great than others. That being said, 7 years is a good run, 8 would be better. I almost bet that they'll bring someone else in to be the boss, someone like Paul Giamatti (although I doubt he'd do TV- then again, you never know). Happens with a lot of shows. Without Steve Carell, it absolutely wouldn't be the same. But it might be just decent enough compared to a lot of the other crap that's out there.
hard to believe its been on as long as it has, but it might be time to end it. they cant continue w/out carrell.
I know I'm surprised its been that long too. I agree I don't think they should continue with Carrell.
The show has been in a funk for a while, Season 5 was a lot better than Season 4, but Season 6 meh. They should just do away with it, I've got funnier shows to watch like 30 Rock and Always Sunny.
Good episode tonight, the kind that make me wonder why they all can't be like this. I want this season to finish strong and the show to end.
Always Sunny- too mean-spirited- I mean, I don't mind characters with flaws, but they should at least have an ounce of decency. 30 Rock is awesome.
Michael was so awkward at certain points of the episode I literally had to cover my own eyes as I was that embarrassed for a fictional television character So A+++++ for me, the best eps were uncomfortable, not silly Pam is just waaaay too different now, I liked her better as a quiet receptionist, not some loud mouth lame joke making lady who gets in everyone's business But Erin is hilarious now that they've decided to make her weird in addition to being stupid, so it's worth it
I thought NBC knocked it out of the park with all 3 shows tonight (Community is excluded because it's trash). I experienced several LOL moments tonight, and I'm generally the type of person to laugh internally and give a chuckle. The "bye, Duke Silver" line near the end of Parks, for example, was gold.
tonights episode was pretty good. It was awkwardly funny watching Michael trying to seduce that lady.
[Michael Arrives]Buenos días, Eron. Buenos días, Miguel. Hello, Dunder Mifflin. No no no... en español solamente, ¿por favor? [Talking Head - Michael]I believe every man, woman, and child in this country should learn how to speak Spanish. They are our neighbors to our South, and this will be a healing thing for... for all of North America. And... I am going on vacation next week to Cancun. Es lo que "diche" él. That's what he "says"?
That had me and the wife cracking up at the end of Parks and Rec too! This was one of the better episodes of the Office in a long while. Erin lingering in breakroom was funny but subtle.