i'm guessing no one wanted to go to the big boss and say "we screwed it up" after seeing what a hardass she is. Even if it's technically Michael's fault, you know she wouldn't want to hear any excuses. She'd just hear "failure" and blame it either on the person telling her or the entire branch That was my thought anyway
Another lame episode, albeit better than most other season 6 episodes. I just don't get what happened to this show since season 5 started. Michael and Dwight constantly act out of character, and the writers are focusing on boring storylines. What made the office so great was no reliance on storyline. Instead, you had one central story to a show, then several small surrounding stories. For instance, something like Michael burning his foot on the grill used to fuel episodes. Now it's some crap about Andy and Erin trying not to be discovered as a couple. I gave up hope for this show awhile ago, but yet I keep watching in hopes that it will return to what it once was.
Eh... this show isn't going to be at it's prime anymore... but episodes like these want to make me keep watching this show. This episode was one of the best this season.
Okay, so I just reread your post and I'm confused. You say there used to be one central story, then several small surrounding stories. Wasn't that the case tonight? One central story (cast at happy hour) and several smaller ones (Michael's date, Andy/Erin, Dwight, etc.). It's weird that you complain about things Michael and Dwight acting out of character, yet all they did were act how they always do around women (Michael-awkward and Dwight-alpha male). I really feel that ragging on The Office is a popular thing now, and no matter how great the episodes are, they will 'never compare' to the glory days of season 2 and 3. To be honest, I think if you flipped this episode with The Injury (the greatest episode, IMO, in the history of the show) people would still complain. There would be statements like, "What happened to the good old days when there were believable story lines like the cast going out for happy hour. Now we've got people stepping on Foreman grills... pffft."
The last two episodes have been great...Kevin in this week's episode was brilliant and made me literally laugh out loud. The ending of both episodes were also well done. I think people have the tendency to revert back to the "things aren't what they used to be" mentality. The other problem with The Office is that it's a really hit or miss show. It's either hilarious or really really dry and boring. One thing I do miss are the subtle hints of Jim and Pam liking each other that were dispersed throughout episodes so you were always looking forward to them (like that moment when Pam says "Jim you can tell me anything" and he gives her that look and she looks at him back all surprised)...anyways, they should go back to those subtle looks - they are moving too far away from that.
I thought it was a great episode. Lots of fun little subplots. I especially liked Dwight's triangle. That girl wacking Angela on the head and then Angela running away threatening a law suit was hilarious. And I like how they're carving a funny, weird path for Andy and Erin. That relationship is strange but kind of sweet. The tag with the Japanese worker was absolutely hysterical. One of the funniest tags I've seen all year, on any show. The Office has been great with giving good ending scenes for minor characters this year (such as the "Suck It" performance).
Last 2 episodes have been really solid, guessing Michael will have a new love interest going forward. The Kevin milk thing was hilarious.
The people have spoken. The producers have listened. ERIN++ = WINNARS!!!! NSFW: Spoiler <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/0hm7pp_JFOs&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/0hm7pp_JFOs&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object> Spoiler I'm gonna make it soOOoOOooo dry... :grin: Why do we call that a triangle? Does it always have angles that add up to 180°?? The new Specimen is also age oh tea, HOT.
The difference with "The Injury" and this episode is that the writers will try to build off of this episode, whereas with "The Injury", you didn't have anything going forward. This may just be a personal preference, but a show that isn't terribly serious (The Office) should not rely on storylines very often. With a show like Lost, yes, The Office, no. I've seen every episode from Season 1 to Season 4 at least 10 times each and I can spot a marked difference between the style, quality, dialogue, and even facial expressions of Michael and Dwight from 1-4 and 5 and 6. Take it from an Office fanboy, it has changed significantly, and for the worse. Unless you crave simple, in your face humor, then I can't imagine how you can like the new version of The Office.
You should check out Parks and Recreation if you havn't done so. It is the closest thing to what the Office used to be
I don't know how you make it man. What the hell has happened to us when we describe watching a funny and entertaining show as a chore. Just don't watch it if it's that much work.