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[Marc Stein] Houston Rockets could join Chris Bosh chase

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by ctry2582, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. RocketGirl6

    RocketGirl6 Member

    Nov 27, 2008
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    Thanks, and The Real Shady, I don't doubt Morey, I know he's trying to improve the team, but 27 pages on a could happen trade is a bit much.
  2. ChrisBosh

    ChrisBosh Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Andrea Bargnani would be a better fit with Yao Ming than Chris Bosh....

    1) Bosh requires more time and space to make moves
    2) Andrea would spread the floor, pull the PF from the paint for Yao
    3) Plays outside in...
    4) A better one-on-one defender than Chris Bosh (However AB doesn't get team defense for some reason)
    5) Lower salary
    6) Plays better within the team concept

    Bargnani is currently playing out of position, the center role is hard to get used to, takes some time, but appears he's finally getting it, before he becomes what I think he can, it would be great if Houston got him rather than CB4 (not that I think it'll ever happen).... When this guy plays good he's so much fun to watch, does it all, other than rebound :). I think Houston would be better served to get this guy rather than Chris Bosh, for the reasons stated above. Bosh is the better player, but is he a good fit with Yao? I think not.....
  3. redao

    redao Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    The team is not going to building around Yao.
    Yao is not the player that you can build a team on.

    we need a franchise player.
    1 person likes this.
  4. leebigez

    leebigez Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    I said it a few pages back. Old rocket heads think alike :p
  5. Chamillionaire

    Jun 27, 2008
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    why would they want a gimp for bosh when he hasn't stated that he's leaving yet???
  6. badgerfan

    badgerfan Member

    Dec 17, 2007
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    Check out the Fran Blinebury interview thread. It sure sounds like the Rockets are looking to keep the gimp and pair him up with somebody next season.
  7. Two Sandwiches

    Feb 6, 2002
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    Battier, Scola, Cook, 2nd rounder for Bosh and Belinelli.

    With that done, you start Bosh at Center, Landry moves into the Power Forward, Ariza at Small Forward, etc. etc.

    You can play a smaller lineup for the rest of this year, and then next year, if and when we get a healthy Yao back, Landry returns to the sixth man role. I like it.

    It's going to take a combination of Battier and Scola to get Bosh, in my opinion, but I don't think it should take a ton more than that. I think if you get Bosh, Scola almost definitely has to be included. I would not, at all, include Landry. After that, I think almost anyone is up for grabs.
  8. Rookie34

    Rookie34 Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    I like your proposal but check this out ...

    Maggette's Value Is Increasing
    Warriors forward Corey Maggette has been on fire since the start of December and other teams have taken notice.

    Maggette entered Friday's game averaging 20.6 points on 55.1% shooting since the beginning of last month.

    His contract has three years and $30 million left on it, but a couple of league executives told the Oakland Tribune that his value is on the rise.

    Golden State might be able to sweeten any possible deal with some of the more than $10 million worth of expiring contracts they have as well.

    Via Oakland Tribune

    Trade proposal I came up with (trade exceptions and draft picks not involved, but could be):

    Rockets trade:
    * Scola, Cook and Battier to Raptors
    * McGrady and Taylor to Warriors

    Raptors trade:
    * Bosh and A. Wright to Rockets
    * Nesterovic and O'Bryant to Warriors

    Warriors trade:
    * Biedrins to Raptors
    * Maggette and Azubuike to Rockets

    => Rockets incoming players: Bosh, Maggette, Azubuike and A. Wright
    => Raptors incoming players: Scola, Cook, Battier and Biedrins
    => Warriors incoming players: McGrady, Taylor, Nesterovic and O'Bryant

    - Raptors would do this: Biedrins could be there starting C for years, Battier can play defense next to Turkoglu and Scola would be a perfect starting PF for them (they have money enough to resign him next year), Cook is just an expiring contract.

    - Warriors would do this: check article Maggette. They are getting rid of Maggette and Biedrins contracts. Taylor would be perfect in there system and replace Azubuike of the bench. Nesterovic and O'Bryant 'replace' Biedrins of the bench at center and are expiring contracts. T-Mac, well we know why ...

    - Rockets would do this: you can fill this one in yourself! :grin:

    Contracts work, I have done it with ESPN NBA Trade Machine ...

    Rockets team:
    C: Bosh/Hayes/Anderson (and Yao)
    PF: Landry/Bosh/Hayes
    SF: Maggette/Ariza/A. Wright
    SG: Ariza/Budinger/Azubuike
    PG: Brooks/Lowry
  9. BasketballReasons

    Jun 27, 2008
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    I don't think Bosh is a good #1 option for a playoff team in the West. Yet, he could fit in nicely as a 1-b option if we can find a good SG with Tmac's contract. Then Yao could have a more relieved role and be the 3rd option and have his minutes decreased.
    Considering TT+Hinrich is supposedly a good deal. I think a trade of Landry/Scola (probably Landry unfortunately) + Dorsey + 1st rounder, could happen.
    Remember, we got Artest for only a 1st+Donte Greene. And Landry has shown that he has a major amount of upside and can/is late blossom(ing).

    In the end, I doubt this trade will go down, and I honestly doubt the Raptors will trade Bosh at all, considering he has been talking well of them.
  10. thacabbage

    thacabbage Contributing Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    Personnel moves should no longer be made with/as consideration/compensation for Yao's many glaring weaknesses. That's not smart team building. If you want to keep him because of the revenue he brings - fine. But you build the best team you can, regardless of "fit" with Yao. If he plays, he plays, if he doesn't, he doesn't. No more serving hostage to the whims of a foot.
    #590 thacabbage, Jan 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2010
  11. Plowman

    Plowman Member
    Supporting Member

    Sep 26, 1999
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    Hear, hear ! .......No more being held hostage to a foot, a foreign govt, etc.

    We have MANY options ....... Now, let's go about the business of winning titles.
  12. YaoMac09

    YaoMac09 Member

    Oct 8, 2008
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    They won't trade Bargs...

    They are not trading because they want to blow the team up..

    Only because they don't want to lose Bosh for nothing.
  13. wekko368

    wekko368 Member

    Jan 3, 2008
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    Disagree. The pieces needed for Yao to play effectively would still be competitive regardless if he's playing of not (big pg/wing who can throw an entry pass and drive to the basket, good 3 pt shooters).
  14. Plowman

    Plowman Member
    Supporting Member

    Sep 26, 1999
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    As to Bosh, again, there is no way Brooks goes in this deal ......and perhaps not even Carl.

    Many will say you have to give to get, but as previously mentioned umpteen times Bosh's value is probably overinflated as he's leaving after this year.

    Finally adding a long, athletic PF of Bosh's ability would be a coup.

    That said, as farfetched as it might sound, I believe Morey is after even bigger game ....Wade,Johnson, even LBJ .....

    I know there are quite a few folks that couldn't conceive of Yao getting dealt out of allegiance or Les wanting the "bucks". Don't discount the idea though.

    We are dealing with a blank canvas and many valuable assets.

    Anything is possible as we are perfectly positioned in front of the greatest free agent haul in NBA history and have a GM that is just about second to none.
    Consider also the economic times in which we live ..... and you have THE PERFECT STORM.

    This is about the Houston Rockets ....not one player/players.
  15. rocketblaze

    rocketblaze Member

    May 2, 2009
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    Wow you think Joe Johnson(which i think thats who youre refering to)Is bigger game than bosh... :rolleyes:

    And whats with every one wanting wade, if we get wade were only going to have like 2 or 3 yr window to win the championship, by next years playoffs Wade will be 29 yrs old and to give a max contract to someone that old Im just not filling it....

    As for Brooks, I am one of those few that thinks Lowry would be a much better starting Point, he is so much better at getting teammates involved and getting to the free throw line, not to mention controlling the tempo, IMO..

  16. leebigez

    leebigez Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    So of all the pg's and players that have played with yao, how come he's the only that has trouble getting a entry pass? I've seen scola,landry,shane, and even trevor receive these same entry passes by the same pg's who can't throw one to yao. Wake up,look at the tape and you will realize yao is the worse target in the nba when it comes to entry passes. He has slow feet and cant pick them up when the pass is a little off his frame. Go ahead and keep plaming all the pg's , but as cabbage says, they need to stop being hostage when dealing with building this team. Notice they said getting bosh without taking the mcgrady contract, nothing was said about Yao though.The sooner they get rid of yao and build this team the better. Then we will have the tof and yof posters gone.
  17. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    The best post-entry passers on this team have been Shane Battier and, when available, Tracy McGrady as far as I can tell-- and it's to Yao or to Scola or Landry, too.

    Anyhow, I doubt Chris Bosh gets traded before the deadline. For him to get traded, the Raptors will have to lose all hope they have of Bosh coming back next season, and for that to happen, Bosh will have to come out and let them know he has no hope for the season. Just doesn't seem to be in his character to abandon ship when they are actually in the middle of a playoff run.

    Otherwise, the Raptors try to re-sign him in the summer or work out a s&t.

    I can't see Colangelo or the Raptors wanting to deal with the fallout of giving away the franchise player in the middle of a playoff run. Not for any package the Rockets would want to offer.
  18. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Well, huh.....

  19. touchstone

    touchstone Member

    May 20, 2002
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    That would be a fantastic deal for the Rockets but to really evaluate this, what are the ramifications are if Bosh does not re-sign? Will this open up enough cap/luxury tax room for Morey to mitigate the loss while preserving enough cushion for the following year to possibly re-sign Brooks? My feeble mind can't come up with the data. Thanks, in advance.
  20. thacabbage

    thacabbage Contributing Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    I disagree. Colangelo is a smart man and the term 'playoff run' is of more semantic value than anything tangible - they're not kidding themselves into thinking they're doing anything this year, I don't think. So I'm not sure if it's worth the risk of losing him for nothing. Yes, a S&T is a possibility, but you are then at the mercy of Bosh's choice of destination, not to mention the very real threat of him leaving to one of the many teams who can sign him outright. I think if you can get a good deal for him now, then you do it.

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