As you all already know, I'm sure, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Some of us are really blessed (including myself) to have the things we have. There is so much poverty in this world, that sometimes we take everything that we have for granted. I grew up a couple years in Mexico and was very fortunate in what I had as a kid. Its been a couple years since Ive gone back but I still have vivid images in my mind of the kids over there, being out in the streets, working at age 4, anything to help Mom and Dad. Even I'll admit that I grew up silver spooned, but I've stayed humble and realized that not everyone gets lucky like that. Some people really have it bad and we b**** about not having enough. So lets be thankful and appreciate the little things in life. Including the undersized Rockets team of ours. :grin:
I am grateful for ClutchFans, which gives me Spoiler . Joking aside, I am grateful for my health, job, home, family, and friends. I was 11 when I came to the 'States and am glad I am where I am on my own and with my family. I can't stand how much people whine about "the economy" or "society" when someone like you or I can make it well in this world. Yes, MoBalls, I am glad to not be selling Chiclets on the border any more. :grin: But seriously, .
I guess a few things... 1) The experiences in my life 2) To not be married, hehe 3) To be in a free country that does protect your liberties from time to time 4) Guess waking up each day to pursue whatever dreams I have . . . 5) I guess to have good family 6) TO be a Rockets fan...I've been on this bandwagon for double digit years, nearly half of my life. I haven't ran off to support another team, because of the decline of Hakeem, SF3, the injuries of Yao and T-Mac, and playoff failures. I think I've been a bigger fan of the team, this year, because I have kept with just about every game in the online sports ticker, when I am at work or watching them on internet on some viruses ridden website. I can't think of too many Rocket players, fans, or coaches I haven't liked in the last 16 years. The organization brings alot of players who do put forth 100% effort going full speed ahead to make this team better than what it is on paper. Besides, I hate the Jazz, Suns, Mavs, and Lakers...can't bring myself to root for Celtics, Spurs, Nuggets, Magic, and etc.
Good for you. I'm thankful I lost my job, lost any sense of purpose I had, lost any Faith I once had, started not caring about school, started smoking, started drinking heavily, starting eating poorly again, and made my wife want to leave me, Yao Ming out for the year, Tmac being a b**** again, The Raiders continuing to be a laughingstock, the economy being in the ****ter, my car breaking down. But other than that, I did save 15% by switching to Geico.
I'm thankful for my health, friends, and family. I am most grateful for the food that I eat though. I eat like a man... I don't waste any food.
just found out today that i have some eye disorder (posterior polymorphous dystrophy), and i might need cornea transplant down the road (i'm 24 now). so i'm thankful that i'll be saving $4k next year now that i can no longer do lasik! and that i'm a proud rockets & longhorns fan!
1. My wife 2. 1st baby on the way 3. fulfilling job 4. Family 5. Friends 6. My dog Ellie 7. Stereo of the Gods 8. The Rockets 9. The best concert year of my life 10. Health
I am thankful to be a cancer survivor. Two weeks ago I had half of my left kidney removed due to a cancerous tumor ( renal cell carcinoma). If it wasn't for my appendicitis earlier in the year, there was a good chance it would have spread. I am very thankful.
to be in sufficient health to do the things I am able to do.. to convey my thoughts and emotions just as articulately.. understand and truly know myself through and through, and be just as perceptive of the world around me.. and to express, demonstrate all my talents as aptly... to know what I what I want, and how to get it.. hopefully, very soon, I'll be able to be thankful for finally having it..