Through 16 chapters, awesome so far. Very interesting. Especially the stuff concerning noetic science...
The only book I read from Brown was Angels and Demons. That will probably be the last. There's too much historical and scientific mumbo jumbo which would be cool except he's VERY liberal(not politically, literally) with the truth. It's kinda frustrating.
Yeah I'm going to look into that stuff a little. I read about some of that stuff in another book I read about Time. It talked about the work done by people like William Tiller. Its pretty interesting stuff. I know some of it seems crazy, but its worth a read. As for him embellishing things, I guess you shouldn't read it for factual accuracy. Its fiction and I think he does a pretty good job of mixing historical and scientific foundations with a great narrative. So far I'm liking the book.
I guess, but he writes it sorta like a documentary. I find myself saying "wait... that's not right". For example... he wrote in the book that the scientific community conspired to silence a priest (Georges Lemaitre) who helped theorized the big bang theory when the pope tried to used it as evidence of God. The fact was that the priest HIMSELF wrote to the pope saying that his holiness was in error. Another one was when he implied Einstein was religious when he said "god doesn't play dice with the universe." Einstein was a pantheist and used that phrase as more of a metaphor, with God being the laws of physics. I wouldn't have much of a problem with it, except the book (Angels and Demons) tries to pass as a semi-educational reading. Once you realize his "facts" are mostly B.S., the interest wears off (for me at least) cuz it ties so much into the plot. I know he got into "trouble" for doing the same thing with the DeVinci Code.
I like how he's trying to convince me the Freemasons don't run the world and that they're essentially harmless
I see your point, but for me its cool because a lot of times it may make some people go out and find out more about those topics. There is so much knowledge out there that we overlook all too often.
I don't read the books, just watch the movies. When I 1st saw the ad on tv & they mentioned Freemasons, I thought another National Treasures movie was coming out. When they make Lost Symbal into a movie, it has to star both Tom Hanks and Nicholas Cage! Anyway, my wife loves Brown's books & her b-day is in a couple of weeks. We were in Walmart on the 15th & on our way to check out, I caught the book stand out of the corner of my eye. I thought "I'll come back later & get it and my B-day shopping is done". During checkout, my wife comes up, lays the book on the counter and says "Thanks for the birthday gift, Honey!" She does that every time!
Hi this is Mrs. Monon. I have read all of Dan Browns books. I agree that Deception Point was his weakest, but they all were good page turners. I just like to read good 'fiction'. I don't expect 'novels' to be completely accurate, after all that's why they are called fiction. Like my husband said, I just got The Lost Symbol and I've only read a few chapters so I can't give a review at this point. So far I've got hooked. That is the sign of a good book. Hope everyone who buys it enjoys it like I am.
I'm with you. Plus I think in him writing smaller chapters, its harder to put down. I keep getting ready to stop, but then I go for just one more chapter. The show 24 had me the same way early on.
It's to lull you into a false sense of security, so that the Illuminati can take over the world. And then I can be Meggo, Grand Duchess of Anywhere-I-Want. Yes, just go to sleep world; go to sleep; just drift off into blissful oblivion. It'll make things much less painful.