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More feedback (PoliticalPages)

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Major, Jun 28, 2002.

  1. Major

    Major Member

    Jun 28, 1999
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    I would have used the previous topic from a month or so ago, but the search option is no longer available!! :)

    For those that remember, we asked a bunch of you for feedback on our new PoliticalPages.com website for voters in the upcoming elections. Based on your feedback (and while you tried to be nice, we know you were really thinking "this site sucks"), we had the whole thing redesigned. I think I had forgotten why I hired outsiders to design the layouts of our other sites!! Never again will I forget.

    For a couple of reasons, the site will be renamed OnlyTheIssues.com. The new site layout (it's not actually implemented in functionality yet) can be seen here:


    For comparison, the old nasty site is at:


    A couple of things still need to be changed on that new page. The word "Issues" will not be gray in the logo -- "Only" and "Issues" will be Blue and Red, most likely. That "power to the people" picture is one of two we're considering. I think we're going to go with the other one, but I don't have it available offhand to show y'all.

    Please feel free to post any feedback on the new look and feel. Hopefully, the functionality side of it will be in place next week sometime and accessible at the actual URL OnlyTheIssues.com.

    Thanks everyone, and thanks to Clutch for letting us use this place to get feedback! :) (and feel free to delete this if you don't want us doing so!)

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