Understood. However, I factor that into my thinking when placing the 2009-10 Rockets team in the 12-17 range. Keep in mind that, as far as draft order is concerned, I am knocking 2008-09 Rockets (who themselves played the entire season without a healthy McGrady and for stretches without Battier and Artest) down up to 11 spots in my analysis. That's eleven (11) teams jumping over the Rockets. Plus, I don't think Morey's room full of analytics experts are just picking guys with "heart" to fill out the roster. There is actual ABILITY there that contributes to winning basketball. I respect your opinion. I just happen to disagree with it. Please do the same here. Thanks.
BimaThug already mentioned a Cook+Barry for Pryz deal. Portland wants to slightly reduce salary and we get a C. Portland would do that deal for sure. But in that deal, we are adding an extra year on the books next year (Pryz). I am not sure that's wise. We would still want to look to move Battier in this case as well. Like everyone else, I would rather it be Battier for Pryz+Fernandez. (Pryz's extra year swaps spots with Battier's) The prize is Fernandez of course as our new SG and Pryz is the stopgap C. Portland gets Battier and opens up a roster spot for Milsap.
Exatly. If they could have landed a veteran PG, heck even Rafer Alston, and get a wing like Battier, they would have been beasts. Well still a couple of months so we never know.
Actually, I think trading Battier+Berry for Rudy+Przybilla makes more sense for the Blazers. They need Berry's championship experience as well.
Anyone believes Bayless has an immense potential and that he's just roting in Portland? If we send one of our 2 PG's, I would want him here.
You're probably right. So if this rumor is true, you think the Rockets are putting Battier on the table?
I don't think too many people here object to dealing Shane in theory. In fact, I would say that most are advocating it. The objections are towards trading Shane in seemingly lateral moves that don't really improve the team's future outlook. If a young piece such as Outlaw or Fernandez were included, I can assure you there would be overwhelming support for such a deal and most likely some new Morey photoshop threads. But straight up for Pryzbilla? Perhaps I am being naive, but I think you can get more for Battier than just that.
Need is less important than value to a team like ours. Battier has greater value. I'm sure Morey's shopped him to all contenders, particularly those that need a wing defender to deal with the kobe's of the world. Battier's value to Portland would be huge. Absolutely huge. He would improve their individual and team defense, spots up from 3, doesn't need the ball, is a hit with the community. He is basically a perfect fit next to Roy and Aldridge. Portland has to be thinking about how to keep up with LA and San Antonio. WRT LA, Aldridge has the length and quicks to defend Gasol. Bynum is better than Odom, but both are young and have room to develop. The gap is depth of roster and defense at the wing. Personally, I like Fernandez and Batum about equally, with a slight edge to Fernandez because he moves great w/o the ball and would fit into Adelman's offense ala Peja. Battier for Pryz and Fernandez would be absolutely huge for us.
I agree, there is talent in our guys, I want to be sure I get that point across. I love this team and the guys Morey has brought in. There isn't a single player on the team that I'm not happy to have. But they are still complimentary players, and I stand by my opinion that it will be very difficult to adjust well enough to put up a decent record over an 82 game season.
We have limited use for him if we are rebuilding. However,I'm opposed to a straight up Battier/Przybilla trade.