Merriam-Webster defines sarcasm as... sarcasm One entry found. Main Entry: sar·casm Pronunciation: \ˈsär-ˌka-zəm\ Function: noun Etymology: French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwarəs- to cut Date: 1550 1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain 2 a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b: the use or language of sarcasm
Sorry for double post. I forgot to add... Don't blame people for ridiculous trade ideas. These fans are not Morey, so why do you care so much? These trade ideas make our forum come alive and gives everyone something to talk about. This forum is about discussion, and discussing WHY a certain trade would be ridiculous is informative for many noob posters. There's nothing wrong with that.
Les already mentioned he will only pay the luxious tax for dramatic improvement. I will do: Nash+Amare for Tracy+Brooks+landry (not scola) I will do it in a heart beat but more likely daydreaming: Tracy+Brooks+Lowry+landry+2010&2012 1st round picks+cash+fillers for Peja+Chandler+Posey+CHRIS PAUL Well, don't think hornets is that desperate. Even if they are, can we beat other teams offer? Are Les that committed? Just dreaming.
Yeah right. No one, fan or reporter, was outlandish enough to propose that trade. The only one who was that ridiculous was Mitch Kupchak.
Correction: The only ridiculous person in this scenario is the Grizzlies GM. Trade scenarios are for discussion, full stop. If you disagree, voice your disagreement. If you don't like them generally, don't enter the thread. This isn't NBA Live but it isn't a newswire either.
I just couldn't bring myself to purchase a game with Kevin Garnett on the front so I went with NBA Live this year.
What the hell, how does this thread have 5 stars? I'm not going to be a dick like some here and taint the rating since for some reason people view the original post as meritorious, but I at least have to express my bewilderment... "wait it out and let morey and our front office build the team"....? WTF? it's the offseason. what else are people to discuss? it would be one thing to be complaining about people creating new threads for their individual proposals, but that hasn't been the case, nor is it the OP's complaint. for the most part, there's a few mega threads containing all of the trade discussion, and the suggestions have been relatively reasonable. i really fail to see what the problem here is....
I predict we will buy a 1st round draft pick, trade it for a future first round pick and the right to switch second round picks next year, trade both those picks along with Barry, Landry, White, and cash to a team that is in rebuilding/saving money mode and is happy with the young talent/expiring contracts/cash we offer them, in exchange we will get an underrated veteran who can pass and create his own shot, along with a second round pick. In an unrelated move we will buy a second round draft pick who no one has heard of, is too short for his position, but then will unexpectedly wow by midseason and everyone will wonder how we were able to get such a great player for so little.
First, Baron Davis. Rumor has it that right before T-Mac announced he was having season ending surgery, the Rockets and Clippers were closing in on a T-Mac for Baron Davis trade. In fact, many speculate T-Mac knew about it and that's why he chose to announce the surgery without even consulting the Rockets. He didn't want to be a Clipper. Now, if there is truth to that - and I think there is - then why exactly do you think Baron Davis doesn't fit with our team? Apparently Daryl Morey disagrees. Forgive me if I tend to think he knows more about what our team needs than you do. Well, that and I think what this team needs above all else now is a finisher. Baron Davis is a killer when the game is on the line. Second, Monta Ellis. He's a speed guy that can't play with Yao in the half court? What exactly is Aaron Brooks then? I mean, I don't want Ellis either - but not because of his abilities. I don't want him because I feel we have the same type player in Brooks for FAR less money.