Since you were not being racist do your photoshoped image would be appropriate to send as an email to all of your friends and co-workers? Come on I know what you are implying and I don't find it funny at all.
How do you know what he was implying? No matter what, you never know with any certainty what peoples intentions are unless they tell you. You NEVER know what's going on in someone elses mind. I won't lie though and say my mind didn't immediately go there when I saw the KFC.
You missed my point. And I already said I saw the same thing that you did. But if I did make a photoshop and put something in there that I didn't feel was racist even if others did, yes I would send it out if I felt so inclined.
LOL. When I saw the TMAC/KFC pic I thought, "that might be good for the game tonight", hehe. People will see what they want to see no matter what the original intent.
Cannon you are right. I just think its a borderline photoshop that could offend some people. I kind of find it distasteful. To each his own.
Arash713 I apologize I shouldn't of labeled you a racist. I just think it's a risky choice of fast food. That's all.
No offense Arash, but your photoshopping skills are horrible. What's even worst is about 90% of the photos in this thread is coming from you, what I presume is an attempt to keep your inept thread alive.
I am surprised at how often that typo occurs on clutchfans. I see it daily, and it bothers me every time. Since some people are being anal in this thread, I thought I might throw in my 2 cents.
Someone should make a thread titled "Photoshop the Pain: [photoshop] countdown to the Playoffs" This thing is horrible.