He is ready. Dont underestimate Deke/Shane/Ron/Scola/Rafer, they all Yao's best friends, they will keep everything in order for Yao.
although its hard for Yao to lead a team b/c of his choppy english, i think he'll be able to do through his actions or at least, he's going to have to. dwight putting up 45 pts, 19 reb, 8 blocks? now thats showing some leadership through effort and stats. either way, i think rockets fans are tired of talk.
I have to say, I'm from China, but I love Yao, I love his hard-working. I also love Rocket, I love this team, everyone in this team except Tmac. I hope Rocket can win the champion in the end. GO ROCKET! NOW IT'S THE TIME!
Yao has an unprecedented opportunity to make a serious dent in NBA lore if he can get this team deep in the playoffs.
All he gotta do is pull a KG pound his chest, try to start a fight and then skip away as far as he can to the locker room. On serious note, I'm sure Yao has it in him to show his teammates that it is time; do or die time. Last season when Yao when out he told Mcgrady its on you to step up or something like that and that sparked the 2nd half of our 22win streak. Someone has to do this to Yao if not already.. Ron.. start beating Yao's chest for him.
Unfortunately a team featuring Yao Ming as No. 1 will only be slice better than a team with Paul Gasol as the main guy. A first rounder for sure.
If it is all on Yao to score, then we are toasted. Rather, it is time for RA to turn this Rocket team into his old Sacramento team, which score is evenly distributed among the players. KH