He said "Astros All-Time Former 18-20game Winner FA Signings". Nolan Ryan never did that for the Houston team.
Reclamation projects. : ) That made me laugh. Every year we pick up some washed up retread it seems like.
Williams wasn't that much of a reclamation project when the Astros traded Doug Jones for him. He did have 43 saves and a 3.34 ERA the season prior.
wow, good point. It's like I blocked that out after remembering how erratic he was from the moment he got to Houston (and how he pretty much pitched his way out of the league after that)
anyone see richard justices column today? I read it on my phone so i dont have the link but basically eh compared our bargain basement signing to that of the cardinals picking up chris carpenter a few years back. Same thing except Ortiz wasn't even that good even when he was winning tons of games he had a high WHIP and ERA whereas carpenter was way way younger and was filthy as hell
oh, don't worry...richard will write an article tomorrow criticizing the astros for signing ortiz. actually, he likes ortiz personally. and we know how richie goes to bat for guys he likes. see "texans strength coaches."