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Josh Howard continues his horrendous offseason

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by AstroRocket, Sep 16, 2008.

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  1. kcagbor321

    kcagbor321 Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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    maybe cuz i went out on tryouts on august 27 and they havent put **** up on there cuz they have better things to do but if u really wanna test me come to bill snyder stadium or meet me in the vanier foorball complex and we can watch some film
  2. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    I agree with you now. These racist comments on Clutchfans are just getting out of hand.
  3. ParaSolid

    ParaSolid Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    It was racist, but I kinda laughed a bit. Shrimp fried rice is super awesome, though not as awesome as sinigang
  4. radapharoah

    radapharoah Rookie

    Nov 19, 2007
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    either way you sound like a fool :)
  5. ferrari77

    ferrari77 Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    kcagbor321, bro i get what you were saying in your original post but, you gotta understand J-Ho at this point in his career should not have said what he said.
    He already effed up by being honest w/ the mar1juana comments and then he got caught drag racing. Whether those are significant or insignificant events to you are beside the point. J-HO is not a regular guy, he is a pro athlete and as much as some of us hate it, pro athletes are unfortunately held to a higher standard than most of us. Cuban and Donnie have consistently backed J-HO and stuck up for him but he has not repayed their confidence and trust in him lately.
    Those comments he made might be fine if he were a regular guy without a multi-million dollar contract and was living under a bridge and just having a horrible life. Even if he believes in what he said, there's a thing called tact and J-Ho doesn't have it apparently.
    FWIW I like the guy, when my boy was still on the mavs, J-Ho was one of the nicest dudes to chill with on the team. I assume he still is and that's why he has punks for friends. The kind of friends that tape the guy making inflammatory comments and then post it on youtube.

    Anyways, chill man. I've been on here for a bit and I haven't seen/read many examples of racism on this board. And your comments about Asian Sensation are examples of racist comments.

    Take it easy man.
  6. kcagbor321

    kcagbor321 Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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    I apologize for all my racist comments except for the asian
  7. aussie rocket

    aussie rocket Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Well on your way to becoming a lifelong rookie.

    Welcome to the family.
  8. ParaSolid

    ParaSolid Member

    Sep 26, 2007
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    Just the asian or all asians? By asian do you mean Chinese, Malay, Filipino, Indian (they're technically Asian) etc?
  9. dandorotik

    dandorotik Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    Hey, we criticized V-Span, Ryan Bowen, Dirk, etc. as much as any black athlete, so don't even go there. You're the one who's making it racist. You think this country is bogus? Talk to people like Isiah Thomas and others who grew up in very bad environments yet managed to make something positive out of their lives.

    Dirk is one of the most criticized people on this board. Are we doing this because he's German? We criticize Dirk more than Josh because of the way he is on the court. But, when Josh Howard does something dumb, WHICH HIS OWN ORGANIZATION THE DALLAS MAVERICKS ADMITTED WAS DUMB, why should he not be criticized?

    Also, about him smoking weed, it's not the act- we know athletes do it, hell even Phil Jackson is a big-time puffer- it's admitting it while you're employed in a league that tests for that stuff, as well as being a role model for kids whether you like it or not. Josh Howard, more than anything, needs a publicist or mentor to teach him about this stuff. It's not everyone that's making dumb mistakes, it's him and a few others.

    BTW, how does being a redshirted freshman at K-State make you better than us? Just curious.
    #89 dandorotik, Sep 18, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2008
  10. Shaud

    Shaud Member

    Feb 28, 2008
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    lol @ the shirtless typing going on in this thread.
  11. kcagbor321

    kcagbor321 Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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    i apologize for my racist statements except what i said to asian persuasion cuz i meant it cuz he was tryin to get buck wit me.. ferarri 77 i apreciate u sayin that and answerin me like a man.. radapharoah i mite be fool but im rich b**** so people listen when i speak..aussie rocket i love clutchfans i read it everyday its my homepage on my computer im the only guy over here reppin the rockets but i could careless about bein a rookie for life cuz i dont post on these threads cuz yall mite think im stupid but im showin my other friends on here that r redhirted 'on the team and the really do think yall are hammerin him cuz hes black ive come to the conclusion that yall r all thowed off in the mind.. and just cuz i play football at k-state doent mean im better than yall i never said that and if i said that i was just talkin ****
  12. kcagbor321

    kcagbor321 Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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    and mr dorotik im not the 1 makin racist statements im just readin what i see and as a young educated black man i just say it like i see it i dont lie.. this country is bogus they preach so much about freedom and equality but people die or get kidnapped in the ghetto all the time but when some little white girl goes missing theres breaking news on every channel in america get outta here with this equality nonsense
  13. Wakko67

    Wakko67 Member

    Jan 8, 2001
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    Josh Howard is an idiot. Plain and simple.

    Type whatever you want, it doesn't change it.

    I am hispanic and know this country's past isn't perfect and neither is its present, but there is a lot to be proud of.

    In the end, if you don't like it. Get the **** out.

    Douche can go play in Europe and make his pay. He'll find though that things aren't perfect there either.
  14. TurtleBonzi

    TurtleBonzi Member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    What an amusing thread.
  15. dandorotik

    dandorotik Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    Yes, but don't you realize you're stereotyping when you say "this country is bogus...but when some little white girl...there's breaking news on every channel..." So, you're saying that our country is racist because of a news organization? And who exactly is the "they" you speak of when you say "they preach so much about freedom.."? The government? The media? Or are you speaking about representatives in the government? Just because certain news outlets displays biases doesn't mean the whole country is racist.

    And yes, you are making racist statements. If someone criticizes your point of view, like someone who you perceive is from an Asian culture, and you tell them to go eat fried shrimp and rice, then you're no better than the people you criticize for being racist. YOU ARE ONE OF THEM. How would you feel if I said, "Now, kcagbor, calm down. We know how you people get. Put down the KFC bucket and stick to the argument." Wouldn't that infuriate you? Of course.

    So, don't you think that telling an Asian person to stop eating fried shrimp, or an Irishman to sober up, or an Italian to lay off the linguini and clam sauce, or a Korean to get off the Rice-A-Roni patrol, or an American Indian to get off the reservation, or a German to "be a smarty, quit the Nazi party," or a female to get over her period, or a Latino individual to stop smelling the Velvet Elvis, or a Jewish person to lay off the corned beef and chopped chicken liver on rye with a side of Matzo ball soup and Dr. Brown's Celery Soda, or a Russian to get with the glasnost .... OK, you get the picture, don't you think that's just as bad? Racism begets racism. Everyone has to do their part to stop it when they can.

    BTW, my people the Irish have it the worst. Don't believe me? I'm watching the movie Blazing Saddles right now. What did they say at the end? When they're getting ready to do battle against the bad guys? "We'll take the blacks and the Jews and everyone else, but we won't take the Irish." See? My culture is at the bottom of the barrel.
  16. v3.0

    v3.0 Member

    Jan 23, 2005
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    The guy is getting a free education because of the so called system that oppresses and he's complaining... :rolleyes:
  17. orbb

    orbb Member

    Dec 9, 2002
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    Based on your post, i doubt it. I'm not even sure your post is in english.
  18. hooroo

    hooroo Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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  19. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    I am gonna confess watching Band of Brothers didn't help my already damaged view of Dirk. I always picture him in a Kraut helmet like this.

  20. dandorotik

    dandorotik Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    I think that Josh Howard was stupid for saying what he did, but I also think the media wastes too much time harping on these types of things. "Hey, it's America! You have the right to free speech!" Then, many individuals spend a great deal of time pooh-poohing our athletes and politicians and celebrities and others for every little thing they say. I guess it comes with the territory. It just reminds me when I was a teacher and sat in the teacher's lounge listening to some of them gossiping about their students. "Hey, do you know what Johnny did today in my class?!?" I always felt like saying to one of them, "You ever realize Johnny talks back to you because you frequently act like a superior, heartless b**ch when you're up in front of your class?"

    I swear, I think the Internet has turned some of us into those little gossipers (myself being guilty, at times). I mean, look at that Trader_Jorge character- he makes a living off of "OOH, did you hear what Obama said??" The funny thing is he doesn't even realize how schoolgirlish he sounds.

    Athletes gotta watch what they say. A recorder and camera are always just around the corner. No one is safe.
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