No it didn't. The bill he voted against never passed. Another bill - which took out all the controversial stuff that Obama opposed - passed a few years later in 2005 when Obama was no longer even in the Illinois Senate. The one that passed in 2005 was the one that was essentially identical to the federal one that passed unanimously. Again, try better sources for your info.
Actually, to clarify - the one that passed in 2005 included the explicit abortion protections that Obama wanted in the previous bill. I don't believe it was identical to the federal one, though. However, it was the one that was supported across the state by the medical community and the like - whereas the first one was not.
^^^ We should really think about requiring posts to consume more than 1 line. I've noticed in the last few weeks a dramatic increase in no-content, 1 line posts that add absolutely nothing to the discussion.
I think abortion should be illegal until they can do something that animals cannot. Like talk or think.
Back to the original topic, Obama campaign fires away: Barack Obama's campaign, moving rapidly to exploit what they see as a major opportunity, is deploying high-profile surrogates in 16 states across the country today to highlight John McCain's uncertainty yesterday about how many houses he owns, the Democrat's campaign tells Politico. Governors, members of Congress and state legislators will hold conference calls and press conferences in front of homes to draw attention to the issue. Party leaders such as Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen and Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, on the stump in Ohio and Iowa respectively, wil move to incorporate the matter into their remarks on the campaign trail today in an effort to draw local media attention to the story. Further, some state parties will hold contests in which Democrats seek out real voters who don't know how many houses they own. And in other states, ordinary citizens who have been victim of the mortgage crunch will hold press availabilities to contrast their plight with McCain's wealth. The aggressive move on Obama's part is in keeping with a shift in campaign tactics since his vacation. Obama and his campaign aides have both ramped up their rhetoric in recent days. This latest effort reflects a willingness to hit McCain much harder and to veer from conventional issue-based attacks to the sort of character assaults that have marked the GOP's campaign against Obama as well as their effort against John Kerry in 2004
I am impressed and delighted at how quickly they are hitting McCain on this issue. The American public should be aware that one of the candidates can't even count the number of houses he has while millions are struggling to make their next mortgage payment.
*snicker* from Josh -- Fact Check I will not stand by and watch the Obama camp try to claim McCain owns seven homes when he owns at least ten. --Josh Marshall
Really? I suppose Obama is now matching McCain on negative campaigning. Which is fine, and I can see the advantage of juxtaposing McCain's wealth to people losing their homes. But, it makes me sad to think it will affect how people vote. Should McCain give some of his houses to the homeless now?
He should give one of his houses to Obama's brother in Kenya who lives on $1/month and receives no help from Snobama himself! HO HO HO
I don't care if he has 1 house or 18 (yet, somehow, Obama's the elitist snob out of the two which just goes to show you that Republicans will just open their mouths and spew anything out and unfortunately, the public buys their garbage). The fact that him not even knowing how many houses he has combined with his economic policy that shows a lack of understanding of how the past eight years have completely shifted the economic burden of this country onto the middle class should equal Obama hitting him hard on this issue. It's much more relevant to the discussion than Obama's preacher or his tenuous assocations with guys who did some bad stuff when Barack was all of four years old.
BINGO! it doesn't matter if he has 100 houses, its the fact that he doesn't know He doesn't know how many houses he owns, how to get on the internet, the difference between shia and sunni. Its like he just drifts through life without ever thinking about or examining anything.
this just in... the big news... obama's brother lives in kenya and makes only $1/month w/o any help from obama! republicans are applauding the brother's bravery and work ethic especially since the dollar is in the crapper and it does not buy as much as it used to... stay tuned for more shocking news to come in the following months...
It would have been nice to have a presidential campaign based on a debate of actual issues, but McCain threw that out the window when he started running Paris Hilton ads and implying that Obama wanted to the US to lose in Iraq for political reasons. Now, I hope the Obama campaign buries McCain under an avalanche of negative ads and attacks on his character. And believe me, there's plenty of fuel for that fire.
Barack Obama drowns kittens in his bathtub for fun. When asked how may, he was "uncertain...lots of them." Jerk. These threads make me giggle a little bit. But ONLY a little bit.
"Tonight on Hannity & Colmes, internet reports suggest that Barack Obama may engage in felinicide. We report, you decide. But if you decide different than us, you're wrong."
Funny, I've noticed a dramatic increase in multiple-line posts filled with inane babble. OH OH OH (Doesn't count as second line)
Obama's new ad. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
It's a big deal because McCain's campaign manager called Obama an "arugula-eating" elitist, while his own candidate wears Ferragamo loafers and can't keep count of how many houses he owns. It's extremely satisfying to see his bull**** being thrown back in his face, and I'd love to see how that assclown will spin this situation.