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Kevin Willis

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Scarface, Jan 31, 2002.

  1. Scarface

    Scarface Supremely FocASSed
    Supporting Member

    May 14, 1999
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    After watching the Rockets-Warriors game I have come to the conclusion that Kevin Willis needs to be traded. Not because he's playing bad(he's not) but because the guy deserves to be traded to a good team. The dude does NOT play old. I almost kicked in my GF's TV when I saw Kevin Willis beating every other player down the court on 6 consecutive plays to only be overlooked by Steve, Mooch, Cuttino or whomever was bringing up the ball. The man hustles his ass off every play. Big Willie deserves a ring and frankly with our need to develop the youngins I think it would help both teams if we traded Willis to a contender for a pick and filler to make the salaries work. I would love to have Willis in the PJ's next year when everyone is healthy but I don't think he would get much PT. I think Kevin would be perfect on a team like the Lakers or say the Bucks where all they need is a hustler.

    I know Willis has bad hands but damnit at least act like your going to pass him the ball. At least make him feel like he will be rewarded for hustling down the court.:mad:
  2. kidrock8

    kidrock8 Member

    Oct 17, 2000
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    I haven't been the biggest Willis fan this year, but I will say that he does work his ass off. And deserves to play for a contender (LA?) who needs a PF/C who will give you 15 minutes of hard work.

    Add to the fact that we have very little chance of making the playoffs, and it would make sense from both sides to trade Willis.

    Willis has been a class act off the court, and for that I commend him.
  3. MattsayzIstillbelieve!!!

    May 6, 1999
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    I have to say I agree but get ready to hear a lot of people with wholly different ideas. About 2 weeks ago I posted the same idea but few who responded seemed open to the idea at all. Anyway the thread was "Willis deserves to go" but I'm not sure how to link it could someone help explain how to me?
  4. Hydra

    Hydra Member

    Dec 7, 1999
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    1. Go to the thread you want to link to.
    2. Highlight the address in the address bar.
    3. Copy to the clipboard.
    4. Go to the thread where you want to post the link.
    5. Click on the Post Reply button.
    6. Click the button that says http://
    7. Enter the text you want the link to display and press OK.
    8. Paste the address into the script prompt and press OK.
    9. Click on the Submit Reply button.
    10. Bask in the soothing blue glow of your very own hyperlink.

    Happy Posting
  5. Sane

    Sane Member

    Jun 29, 2000
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    Ship him and Collier off to Charlotte for Magloire.

    That's an excellent trade for both sides.

    BUT, it seems Willis is the one motivating Cato, and if that's true, we can't afford to lose him.
  6. Band Geek Mobster

    Dec 1, 2000
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    How's that an excellent deal for both sides?

    Collier sucks, and Willis is over the hill.

    Magloire's better than both of them, so how's that deal "excellent" for Charlotte?
  7. MattsayzIstillbelieve!!!

    May 6, 1999
    Likes Received:
    Willis deserves to go
    I'm really believing that while Willis is a good influence on Cato the biggest motivating factor for him is him, along with Eddie's tremendous potential, and the coaches and all of his teammates encouragement. No doubt Willis has been a factor but playing time would be the best motivator. Plus he probably has been reading this board for the last few years and wants to prove you all wrong. Or maybe its cause some of you guys dissed him to his mom. :p
  8. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    As I said in the other thread, the biggest problem with this Rockets team is that they have NO ONE to look up to that they respect.

    Willis is that man, he can provide key veteran leadership in the clubhouse, especially for Cato and Griffin.

    I can guarantee that Cato's improved play has a direct correlation to Willis helping him learn to be a professional.

    Keep Willis in H-Town...unless he WANTS to go.

  9. TedRuxpin

    TedRuxpin Member

    Aug 1, 2001
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    Ship Willis to the Knicks.

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