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Eddie gets some respect

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by rezdawg, Jan 15, 2002.

  1. rezdawg

    rezdawg Member

    Feb 15, 2000
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    Here is the NBA in and out list from espn. However, I only posted the "IN" because thats all that matters.

    NBA In and Out List -- Week 11
    by Chad Ford
    Monday, January 14    Updated 2:13 PM EST
    Chris Webber is back and he's pissed. Getting booed in Arco Arena will do that to you.

    Kevin Garnett has arrived. Beating the Lakers in a big game will do that to you.

    If you cheat and call Tim Duncan a center, they're the top two power forwards in the NBA.

    Pau Gasol was supposed to be the weak one who couldn't play inside. Eddie Griffin was supposed to be the wild one, the gamble, who would take years to develop.

    Over the last 10 games they've been the top two rookie power forwards in the NBA.

    Who is better? Webber or Garnett? Gasol or Griffin? Look at the numbers and decide . . .


    Chris Webber, F, Kings -- Webber has had plenty of time off as of late, but in the last five games, he's played he's averaging 28.4 ppg, 10.6 rpg, 6.6 apg and 2.2 bpg on 48 percent field-goal shooting. What has Webber's presence meant to the Kings? They're on a nine-game winning streak, defeating the Bucks, T-Wolves, Celtics and the Suns twice.

    Kevin Garnett, F, Timberwolves -- Over the last four games, he's averaging almost identical numbers to CWebb: 28.8 ppg, 9.3 rpg, 6.5 apg, 1.8 bpg and 55 percent field-goal shooting. What has Garnett's presence meant to the Wolves? They're on an eight-game winning streak, defeating the Lakers, Sonics, Bucks and Jazz. They're last loss? To the Kings.

    Pau Gasol, F, Grizzlies -- The 7-footer was supposed to be too thin to play in the post. A three-year project according to scouts. You decide. Over the last 10 games, he's putting up 17.6 ppg, 10.3 rpg and 3.7 bpg while leading the Grizzlies on a three-game winning streak. Gasol is incredibly smooth on the offensive end, using his height to tower over smaller power forwards and his ball handling skills to blow by bulkier ones.

    Eddie Griffin, F, Rockets -- He's grown an inch since the NBA draft and teammate Steve Francis thinks he might someday challenge for the all-time lead in blocked shots. Oh yeah, by the way, he's the fourth-youngest player in the NBA. His numbers over the last 10? 16.6 ppg, 9.4 rpg and 3.4 bpg.
  2. Roc Paint

    Roc Paint Member

    Aug 12, 2001
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    The Rookie Rocket has launched. GO GRIFFIN!!
  3. idrockfan

    idrockfan Member

    Dec 5, 2000
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  4. WoodlandsBoy

    WoodlandsBoy Member

    Mar 1, 2001
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    Eddie needs to overtake Pao. GIVE HIM MORE MINUTES DAMIT.
  5. Wakko67

    Wakko67 Member

    Jan 8, 2001
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    I forgot that pau gets more minutes. I think it's time for more Griff!!!!

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