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tmo vs langhi

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by tozai, Jan 8, 2002.

  1. tozai

    tozai Member

    Jun 4, 2001
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    Ok I am sure some people are going to disagree, but this is just my opinion

    First of all, why do some people think that Langhi would be so good if he got playing time. Do you all think Rudy is completely stupid. He does play in practice runs I'm sure, and if he was as good as you all say then he would not be on the IR instead of Tierre. Do you think Rudy would start Terence if he sucked as bad in practice as he does in the games?
    Also you say that Langhi must be good because he was the SEC MVP or whatever. Morris was regarded as one of THE top SFs in his sophomore and junior seasons. I really think it's just a confidence issue and the shock of starting as a rookie.
    I've seen Langhi play in the summer leagues and do pretty decent there, but the competition there is as pathetic as the NBDL. At least Morris did pretty much what we expected in the preseason. He shot decently and provides the crucial rebounds, hustle plays, etc that role players do. He probably will not be an all-star, but I can't see why he could not be as good as someone like Mike Miller-- A solid player who can go off some nights for 20+,but is not greatly productive.
    Everytime we see Langhi he is completely out of control and lacks confidence. All his shots are swishes or airballs. Does he have the size? Yes
    Does he have some talent?Yes
    Does he belong in the NBA?Maybe
    Should he go to the d-L or Europe?Definitely
    Do we really need another SF? NO

    what do you all think?
  2. crossover

    crossover Member

    Sep 13, 2001
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    Right on

    Rudy has been a coach here long enough and so has his staff.

    Collier doesn't play, there's a reason. Langhi doesn't play, there's a reason.

    Oscar Torres and Morris have obviously shown more than Langhi has so why keep mentioning Langhi should get playing time?
  3. Relativist

    Relativist Member

    Jul 26, 2000
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    I agree that Rudy has reasons for who plays and who doesn't, and while I do agree with your post in spirit, I don't think it follows that because a player doesn't get court time, it necessarily implies that he sucks.

    While we do have many SFs on the roster, we could definitely use a productive one right now. Personally, I'd like to see TMo start (once he gets his outside shot) and Langhi come off the bench as a gunner. Believe it or not, I'd take a flyer on Langhi this season and offer him a cheap longterm contract if he'd take it, somewhere in the neighborhood of six years, 12 million. I still feel like in the proper conditions, Langhi could flourish into a productive player to be reckoned with.
  4. Relativist

    Relativist Member

    Jul 26, 2000
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    On second thought; scratch that. I don't know what I was smoking. If I did anything right now, I'd probably offer Oscar a reasonable contract for three, four years. Actually, I'm in no hurry to offer anyone contracts right now.
  5. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    I think Langhi is a better shooter and Tmo a better all around player.

    I think Rudy is looking for someone at the 3 who does not need the ball to excel, and that is OT, or TMO, I think Langhi needs the ball to be any good.

    I think Langhi will be a good player in the NBA ala Craig Ehlo, but not on the Rockets, his game simply does not fit the squad anymore.

  6. Relativist

    Relativist Member

    Jul 26, 2000
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    I agree. Rudy's not looking for a star at SF. I think he just wants an all-around player who can hit that sweet 3-pter consistently when open. I've mentioned it before, but a second coming of Super Mario with maybe three to four more inches would be perfect. But I'll gladly take TMo as is with a consistent 3pt. shot.
  7. A-Train

    A-Train Member

    Jan 1, 2000
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    First of all, I'll be the first person to go on record in saying that I can't stand that "Tmo" nickname that Morris has been branded with on this board...Sounds too much like the name of a boy band.

    Anyways, Morris is one of the rare players that would have benefitted more if he came out of college early. His stock dropped big during his senior season, and he fell to the second round. I think that if he were a first round pick last season, he would have benefitted more with the increased playing time he would have got.

    As for the Rockets, he's really a project right now. He seems to have the fundamentals like quick hands and a good release, but he seems to hesitate a lot when he gets the ball. Right now, Rudy is devoting a lot of energy into Griffin, so Morris seems to be the odd man out...He could be an excellent backup for Torres

    I've never been that big on Langhi...His jumper is too inconsistent for a being a supposedly good shooter, and he should have at least SOME inside game for being that tall...Shooters are a dime a dozen in the NBA, so he'll have to do something else to stay in this league...Plus, isn't he from Vanderbilt? Was there EVER a good player to come out of Vandy?

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